1/72 Buffalo

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Senior Airman
Aug 7, 2008
Calgary AB
Here's the Airfix 1/72 F2A-1 Buffalo in one of the experimental McLelland-Barclay schemes. Re-scribed, scratchbuilt interior, and the scheme is entirely masked and painted.



Outstanding modeling, bravo! Looks like crop-circle camo.
Awesome...simply awesome.

By the way, what type of light box/flash setup are you using for your photo's. They look really good...
Great work mate - must have been a hell of a job masking that lot!!!

(Have to admit though, have to wonder where they thought such a scheme would be useful as camouflage ??)

Looks great:thumbright: did You do anything in wheel wells? I also have same kit but it will wait for some more time. But that sheme is really something - under influence of contemporary artist I presume.
(Have to admit though, have to wonder where they thought such a scheme would be useful as camouflage ??)

Yeah my thought exactly - only thing I could come up with was crop circles. Did they have them back in the day?
Excellent Mike!

John, I'm guessing that this type of camouflage is similar to the "dazzle" camo used on ships. Not really intended to hide the subject but rather make it difficult to identify
Or to make it difficult to target. I recall some WWI camo schemes that were designed to fool the attacker into thinking that the aircraft was moving in a different way, hence complicating the achievement of what in modern parlance is called an intercept solution.
Thanks for the kind comments. Andy's correct, the schemes (there were several variations and aircraft) were designed to visually break up and confuse the shapes, but proved unsuccessful. There's some photos and explanation here.

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