1/72 DFS Kranich - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Cheers guys!

Thanks to everyone's encouragement and unexpected interest in this little subject, decided to press on and see how far I can get with her.


-Kit comparison to scale plans

-Elevators seperated from tailplanes, as all photos found show these lowered when landed.
(Note: Kranich IIs had 'straight edge' elevators and rudder, earlier model had mass balances)

-Cockpit walls being thinned (necessary evil working vac canopy kits...)

The drum *should* just fit the lower fuselage on it's side, if walls thinned to approx 0.4 mm. We'll see...

Good stuff Evan. If you have major problems fitting the drum, try making one under scale (won't be noticeable), using either plastic tube with strip for the rolling rims/ridges, or even roll one from plastic sheet or stiff card. With the joint at the bottom, it won't be seen, and should pass inspection.
Cheers guys!

Good idea Terry, though I want to keep it in scale if possible.
Thinning the walls as much as possible at the moment, plan to sand the drum rims a little at the sides that touch if still no go. Like you say, won't really be noticed in the end.
Nice to see you chugging along there Even. Can I also suggest you just take a shim off each side of the drum, the bits that will be against the glider wall and won't be seen.
Cheers Vic and Hugh!

Yep, that was what I meant 'bout the 'rims' Vic, but thankfully don't need to: sanded the cockpit walls to approx 0.25 mm and the drum now (just) fits!

Many thanks to you guys for the encouragement to keep going - rapt at the moment!

Cheers guys, much appreciated!

Started the frame work using 0.25 x 0.5 mm Evergreen strip, but looked overscale so removed it. cockpit now resanded in prep for halved strips (0.25 x 0.25 mm) tomorrow.
Cheers guys!

Working on 'take 3' of the pastic strip work, extremely fine work (as in 'bloody fiddly') halving strips that small... pics up soon.

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