1/72 Savoia-Marchetti S.55X - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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I will try to locate the Italian aviation publications I have to take the photographic information you can from this plane this week we started to hecharte a hand in the recompilation of information.

This is terrible to say, but i feel a kindred novice spirit here. i dont feel as alone as i normally do, struggling through my builds.

Having said that, you seem to be travelling rather well in my estimation.
Jim, I've just been doing a bit of surfing and up with these pics, that last one with the explanation in Italian (now translated). Not sure if they will be of any good to you, but hope so.

Savoia Marchetti S.55 M, torpedo-armed version (or bombs for a total of approximately 1,000 kg max) station and four machine guns. The engines are the Isotta Fraschini Asso 500 to 545 hp. maximum power.

Thanks brother! Every little bit helps! Unfortunately this is the S.55M and not the S.55X which is the version that my kit is. There is some substantial differences between the two that would cause me two problems: 1) The modifications required to "back date" the X to the M would be extensive and maybe beyond my talents and the time frame for the group build. 2) It would take me out of the WW2 time frame which would eliminate me from the GB. However, I will use the torpedo and mounting as well as the scarf ring details if I could just find the X modified after the world tours into proper military aircraft.

By the way, did you get my E-mail address to send me that other information you offered?

Either way thanks for all.

Regards, Jim
Sent the following to the Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare...

Dear Sir or Madame,

Buongiorno. I am writing at the suggestion of the Smithsonian National Air Space Museum in the hope that the Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare will be able to help me locate pictures the Savoia Marchetti S 55 X (the variant fitted with Isotta-Fraschini Asso 750 engines for North Atlantic formation flights) after they returned to Italy and were armed and used as reconnaissance-bombers. It is my understanding that the Savoia Marchetti S.55X was used by the "Stormo Sperimentale da Bombardamento Marittimo", which transformed in 1936 into the 31o. Stormo of the Regia Aeronautica in the role of bomber and maritime patrol, but by World War II were no longer serviceable and held in reserve.

While I have found many pictures of the S 55 in general, and General Balbo's S 55 X's in particular, I have found only one photograph purporting to be an armed "X" version. It is this armed "X" version that I am looking for pictures of. Seeing as you have an extensive exhibition on the flight and history of the S.55, I was hoping that you would be able to provide them or direct me to where I might get them?

I appreciate your help in this matter and look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Best Regards, James Nicoletti

...but received no answer! So I asked Felix Rufolo from Italian Kits [info@italiankits.it] if he wouldn't mind translating the request for me, which he did...

Gentili Signori

Buongiorno. Scrivo su suggerimento dello Smithsonian National Air Space Museum
con la speranza che il Museo Storico Aeronautica Militare possa aiutarmi a trovare foto del Savoia Marchetti S 55 X (la variante con motori Isotta-Fraschini Asso 750
per le crociere del nord Atlantico) però dopo il ritorno in Italia, quando furono armati e trasformati in bombardieri-ricognitori marittimi.
So che il SM55X fu usato dallo "Stormo Sperimentale da Bombardamento Marittimo", trasformato nel 1936 in 31o. Stormo della Regia Aeronautica come bombardiere e pattugliatore marittimo, ma nella II G.M. non fu tenuto in servizio.
Mentre ho trovato molte foto del S 55 in generale, e di quello di Balbo in particolare,
ho invece solo una foto del S 55 X armato. E' proprio di questa versione di cui cerco foto e documentazione. Vedendo che avete un esteso display sulla storia e i voli del S 55, volevo sapere se potete aiutarmi nella mia richiesta o dirmi dove posso cercare.

Resto in attesa di una vostra gentile risposta e vi saluto cordialmente.

Best Regards, James Nicoletti

...I forwarded his translation to the museum (from both my work AND personal E-mail address in the hopes of avoiding any span filter they may have) in the hopes that they will answer a request in their native tongue. We shall see!


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