1/8 Mig-3 But not really.

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Do these gear doors sequence? That is, the door towards the fuselage closes when the gear is lowered?

According to pictures, most of the MiG-3s had the internal parts of the wheel bay doors down while the gear was lowered. If you look at the last diagram in the post #36 you may notice a quite simple mechanism for closing them when the landing gear was retracted.


"Once I was blind, and now I can see." Kinda.

I hope I got that passage correct.

It's interesting what you don't see when you pay little attention to the actual detail.

I see now, I drew that grid detail completely incorrect. Even though the model is only semi scale, I have plenty of excuses for my errors. One day I'll Post a list of them. Yes, I'm kidding.

A bit more work and worth it. The new results are much more favorable. I can live with this last drawing. Still more to add to it!

Thank you for the info and comments.
That's wonderful work Blacklist! Accuracy is fun subject but I usually fall way short of achieving total accuracy on my builds. Although yours isn't a plastic scale model, you are bringing lots of new methods and techniques that can be applicable to scale modeling and I'm sure everyone is appreciative of that!
I think I'll stop with what I now have for this area of the wing. Good thing the outboard wing is smooth. I'm seeing spots.

Here's the finished drawing. It'll be a crime if I cannot cut this layout in vinyl.

Then I'll just have to put them on one rivet at a time. I'm Kidding!!

Understandably, this wing is not shaped as that of the Mig-3, so there's room for incorrectness. Is that a word?


I see you have interest in the Folk Wolf.

I'm drawn to aircraft by the color scheme. I stumbled onto this aircraft today.

It interests me because of the bottom paint. I'd like to know if it's really real? More information on this aircraft would be nice.

Yep.. it is a replic of a real kite. Such painted Fw 190D-9s and D-11s were planes of so-called "Papagei Staffel" - Jagdverband 44 - JV44 that was a special fighter unit of top German fighter ace pilots in the Luftwaffe during the last months of World War II. Actually the Dora belonged to Die Würger-Staffel that was a protection squadron for JV44 pilots flying the main equipment of the unit - jet fighter Me-262 that was especially vulnerable during take-off and landing..

Here a couple of pics and profiles.... more you may find using the Google.

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Oh my gosh!

I just peed my pants. Can I say that?

Wurger, how can I thank you for that? Masks? GOT ANYTHING ELSE!!

Now I can Google that actual aircraft and see what comes up. Great!

I have to finish the Mig-3 first.

And unfortunately I also have a Stuka to finish. The Stuka is the reason I'm seeking info on paint applications and the Mig-3 is actually the test bed.

Wurger, thanks again for that.

Oh, BTW. I'm one of those guys that doesn't care what get's talked about or posted in my Threads. Subject doesn't matter, I just love modeling.

Good stuff.

First off, it's "Focke-Wulf" not "Folk Wolf". Second, to add to Wojtek's typically excellent response, the paint scheme on the underside was to clearly identify friendly aircraft to the trigger-happy airfield defense gunners.
Good stuff.

First off, it's "Focke-Wulf" not "Folk Wolf". Second, to add to Wojtek's typically excellent response, the paint scheme on the underside was to clearly identify friendly aircraft to the trigger-happy airfield defense gunners.


I knew that about the spelling, I was just testing. Do you believe that?

I'll Google for more info on that aircraft. Bucket list?

That Stuka is 55" in span and not a kit.

Do you have interest in Stukas?

Couple of quick things, possibly not so quick.

I Googled the Focke Wulf Fw 190D-9. In all honesty I really wasn't surprised as to what showed up.

Many model offerings to view and to read about, but I paid my attention to a fine model built and detailed by Chris Wauchop. I saved the Website.

I found it on a site offered by Testors Scale Workshop. Who would think Testors paint would be used to finish a model to these standards?

Speaking of standards.

I actually go back a good number of years with model building. May have been 10 or 12, when I started building the Comet balsa models and Monogram plastic models of that day, the late 50's.

I'm bringing this up because it's important to me that Forum members realize I'm well aware of the level of sophistication that goes into producing a great scale model, not to leave out the unending research involved that goes along with it.

The quality of work by dedicated modelers is simply breathtaking.

And then you see another model which is more breathtaking, then another even more and more.

There's absolutely no end to this fine art, or to the level of dedication and achievement, that a modeling artist can take his project to. I know this.

So, when you view my "crude" work and crude it is, actually it's less than that when you factor in what's going on in the Forum, so please keep in mind I'm not in the dark as to what is taking place here. Hardly actually.

In all honesty, I'm not comfortable lurking for information while not contributing quality model aircraft to the standards I see here. I feel extremely out of place.

In the short of it, even though I'm apologizing for being here with my crude models, and I did apologize actually the first day I Posted, remember?

I'm also applauding the amazing results by modelers and their outstanding efforts, which I get to see and enjoy in this Forum.

I will not loose sight of that.

Model by Chris Wauchop.

Birth of another Dora lover? The Fw 190D-9 is a very popular aircraft among WWII aviation buffs. I've loved it since I was a child. It has that trademark German look... elegant yet menacing... that has always drawn me to Luftwaffe designs. I have one Dora build under my belt (a 1/48 Hobby Boss kit of Blue 12 built during the Winter GB) and have a 1/32 Hasegawa D-9 kit on the way for a future build. Maybe we can build our Doras together?

Don't apologize for what you think are your crude models. All of us here have a passion for WWII aircraft and modeling is simply an expression of that passion. Skill level is not important... we have all levels of modelers here. I know that if you participate in this community, you can learn alot and also grow. I also search the internet and look at other model builder's works for inspiration and ideas. Chris Wauchop is definitely an elite modeler and publishes much of his work via Testors and other outlets. I love his work too.

Have you ever thought about building a plastic kit? You seem have an excellent grasp on many techniques that a plastic modeling utilizes. Just throwing it out there!

You're too kind, thank you.

John, I think I'm hooked on the Dora.

Wurger, amazing, thank you!

OK, now I have to ask for help. HELP!

I'm not actually sure what I'm looking at here?

So, a couple of questions about the work Chris Wauchop's has done on his Fw 190D-9.

My interest is just this photo for now, but I do have questions for other areas of the model.

I placed some arrows pointing to a few areas of detail I'd like to have a conversation about or have the detail techniques explained.

These light and dark lines? Is this the plastic model and just the way it looks in natural light OR are these lines applied by pen?

White wing rivets/spots look applied? Some Rivets may be existing from the plastic mold, but they don't take on the look of a hole or bump. Many look applied?

I read, in Testors site, that his "bare" metal weathering look was applied by pen. I would like to see the tip of this pen?

There will be more questions. J

Thanks in advance.


The model was made by the guy using the plastic Hasegawa's 1/32 Scale kit of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9. The model has the panel lines engraved. Also the rivet lines were made with the point of a pin. All panel lines were touched with pre-shading and then a dark washing colour was applied when the camo scheme was airbrushed . No light colour. The effect of the light lines is caused by the engraved lines reflecting the light at horizontal edges. The same effect is caused by the pointed rivets.
"The white wing rivets/spots look applied" - yep.. these white dotted lines on the wings are decals and imitate the white lines applied in a factory for marking the area where walking was allowed.

The tip for the silver artist's pencil or marker/pen ... just you take it and paint.
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Thanks for the info and the reply.

Unfortunately my model is as smooth as silk. I did mention this, I believe?

So, I have to create surface highs and lows. I cut all the pieces needed to simulate the "open" fabric covered areas on the Mig-3, rudder, elevator and ailerons. These mask pieces will be applied to the model, then the areas will be heavily primed to create a build-up. The "low" areas will be where the masks are when they are removed.

I'll wind up with an edge that may except a wash and be a bit more pronounced? Yes, there will be plenty of rivets also.


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