Well it was a bit fiddly (a lot bl**dy fiddly!!), but I eventually got some sort of detail added to the engine bay. From the side, the Napier 'Sabre' is actually a rather neat and plain installation, and there wasn't that much to add which would be visible. The work mainly involved a representation of the radiator casing, the engine bearers and the upper, vertical cowling support plus some hoses, pipework and wiring.
PICS 1 and 2 show the additions, made from plastic card and strip, scrap plastic, stretched sprue, plastic rod, copper wire and cable sheathing. Now the hard part will be painting the whole lot!
The Typhoon mounted the engine cooling radiator in the prominent 'chin' fairing, with the circular oil cooler set into the cente of the housing.
PIC 3 shows the basic unit on the model before the 'restoration'. The only additions were the vertical frames, from plastic strip.
The 'Sabre' was prone to various problems, including engine fire on start - up, and overheating at the drop of a hat. Consequently, to combat the dust and other problems encountered on the forward airstrips in Normandy during the summer of 1944, a number of 'mods' were tried and fitted. These included a dust filter fitted to the front of the oil cooler, and a mesh guard over the inside of the main intake. I'm going to attempt to build and fit these, and I'm hoping that the main mesh guard can be replicated by adapting the PE radiator matrices left over from the Dragon P51 kit.
PIC 4 shows the screens, which will be cut to shape and joined, hopefully, and then fitted into the 'chin' housing. A box-like oil-cooler filter will be made from thin plastic card and fitted over the intake first.
PIC 5. The masking has now been removed from the cockpit area, and the first stage of re-painting completed, on the head armour and upper cockpit walls. The mounting bracket for the gunsight has been fitted, using plastic rod. The gunsight on the Typhoon didn't have a reflector screen, the graticule being reflected directly onto the windscreen, and the scratch-built sight replicates this. The latter was slightly damaged due to masking and handling, and this will be repaired and re-painted as neccessary. A wire from the canopy crank to the rear of the canopy has also been fitted, using stretched sprue, and the whole area has yet to be cleaned up, and the canopy rails removed and re-fitted where the 'rough' paintwork is visible, below the cokpit lip.
Thanks again for your interest and kind words, and I'll post another up-date soon.