1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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CurzonDax said:
Also I quite enjoyed Pearl and U-571. I like the 40's and 50's shoot 'em up WWII movies and these two reminded me of that.



U-571 was completely wrong. It was the British that did that, not the US Navy and how the hell did you like Pearl Harbor. That movie was a catastrophe!
If one wants to read about the BCATP get

Wings of Victory
Spencer Dunmore
ISBN 0-7710-2918-7

From the book, 131,553 aircrew graduated from Oct 1940 to Mar 1945. The total does not include 5,296 RAF and FAA aircrew trained prier to July 1942 which at that period was not part of the BCATP.
try reading Behind the Glory by Ted Barris I think it does a better job and is more factual in comparing some of the anecdotes

U-571 was completely wrong. It was the British that did that, not the US Navy and how the hell did you like Pearl Harbor. That movie was a catastrophe![/quote]

I thought it was along the lines of Crash Dive!, Operation Pacific, and Destination Tokyo. I was willing to for go fact, truth, and history for what was a fun flick. I knew the history behind it and I knew it was not going to be factual but who cares? If I want fact I I'll go see Das Boot, and end up depressed afterwards. U-571 was fun.

The same with Pearl Harbor. It was a nostalgia movie. So what again if it was not factual. It had great air-to-air shots and not to mention it had Kate Beckinsale. (Underworld: Evolution ROCKS!!!).

I know these movies were wrong, my wife knew they were wrong, my friends knew they were wrong, hell even my pet cat knew they were wrong. But who cares, they were fun. Again if I wanted to see a factual Pearl movie I'll go see Tora Tora Tora and again be depressed. Sometimes its good to get lost in the fantasy and let the goodguys win as long as we stay grounded in facts and reality.

Even movies that we consider "real" have thier fiction for dramatic purposes and that includes movies like Das Boot and Saving Private Ryan.

I agree with to to an extent CD, and see where youre coming from...I actually enjoyed U-571 the first time I saw it, but then again that was when I had no idea of its historical inaccuracy, but I probably would still like it. Pearl Harbor was just unforgivable in my opinion though...

Okay Fair Eneogh. I will agree with you on that, as long as one knows that it is completly unreal.

CurzonDax said:
The same with Pearl Harbor. It was a nostalgia movie. So what again if it was not factual. It had great air-to-air shots

This movie still sucked to me though, because to me it was not eneogh about Pearl Harbor and just about Ben Assflick!

CurzonDax said:
and not to mention it had Kate Beckinsale. (Underworld: Evolution ROCKS!!!).

Kate is deffinatly hot! I loved her in Underworld (mostly because I love the darkside of things and she made for a hot vampire!) I cant wait to see Underworld Evolution but I will have to wait a while till it hits the US theatres over here in Germany unless I want to see it in German which would not be that bad for me.

You see that is the problem with them. You understand that it is not truth and that is great. Others see movies like U-571 and take it for the complete truth and then they go and tell others about it and it just spreads like wild fire.
Look it does not matter how accurate or inaccurate the movie is there will always be people that see these movies as gospel, I meet them everyday in the Live Journal blogs I belong to about WWII. Look at al the idjits that thought the movie had been spoiled for them because people in line were talking about the boat sinking in Titanic (it actually happened to me and my wife). And it does not matter how accurate the movie is either, you will have unbelievers (every year I have students telling me that the Holocaust was sci-fi even after watching Shindler's List).

BTW I DO NOT like Ben Afflicted! I just like the whole romantic fly-boy cult the movie had. Not to mention it was very well filmed.

CurzonDax said:
Look it does not matter how accurate or inaccurate the movie is there will always be people that see these movies as gospel.

And thats the point I have been making all along, and that is very unfortunate and Hollywood is not helping.
Its for the money. Hell look at Disney (forever to be refered after this point as the evil empire) and thier doing of history. Cool fiction sells better than the hard facts.
ya, those hollywood films, like it made me feel that the axis was kool, cause i was curios what the frik were they doing? i mean they should have been as cunning
I see what he means. In many circles there is a sort of lost cause syndrome towards the Whermacht and the Luftwaffe, sort of the same lost cause syndrome for the Confederacy in the US. This lost cause syndrome is not a pro-Nazi feeling but it wants to re-enact the trials of the grunts and pilots of the Whermacht and the Luftwaffe. In fact I think more people reenact the Whermacht than others here in the US (gotta admit the uniforms are cooler looking than that of the US Army and English army).

Look at the BoB movie, the Luftwaffe pilots were cheery and joking sort of guys while the RAF characters were stoic, stiff, and mechanical, the stereotype of the stoic RAF pilot defending the island.

To me in movies like Stalingrad and Cross of Iron they seem to go out of thier way to make the Whermacht characters look human and like "the good guys". I am not trying to belittle the suffering the Germans went through in Russia (or for that matter in Falaise), but it seems that sometimes directors here and in Europe try to do this like trying to make the Confederates look the same way in Gettysburg.

I hope I made sense and did not insult ya Alder or others.

i shouldnt go 2 this forum after seeing fireworks/party
i dont make sense after those stuff
well basically... I JUST DONT MAKE SENSE MMKAY?

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