1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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Fighter- Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1

Fighter 2- Messerschmitt Bf-109E4

Fighter Bomber- Curtiss Hawk 75A

Heavy Fighter Bomber/Night Fighter- Messerschmitt Bf-110C4

Carrier Fighter- Brewster F2A1

STOL/Liasion- Westland Lysander

Seaplane- Short Sunderland

Attack Bomber- Bloch 174

Dive Bomber- Junkers Ju-87B

Medium Bomber- Douglas DB-7 Boston II

Medium Bomber2- Junkers Ju-88

Heavy Bomber- B-17B

Maratime Bomber- Cant Z.1007bis Alcione

Torpeedo Bomber- Douglas TDB Devestator

Glider- D.F.S. 230

Transport- Converted Wellington III

Probably gone a little overboard here with 16 different types, but it did get me thinking.

Other types that I couldn't really find a place for but wanted include: Bristol Beaufort Mk I, Dewointe D.520, He-111H, PBY Catalina, Feisler Storcj, Polikarpof Po-2, and the HK6 Emily.
Well this would be my list for 1939, It would drasticallychange though later in the war.

Fighter - Bf-109E
Heavy Fighter - Bf-110
Ground Support/Dive Bomber - Ju-87 Stuka
Heavy Bomber - B-17 (yeah it was crap but it was still probably the best one out there at the time)
Trainer - T-6 Texan
Medium Bomber - He-111
All Purpose Bomber - Ju-88
If I could choose anything from the get go, these would be my choices:

Recon/Patrol: Catalina PBY5
Attack/Close-support: Hurricane IV/IID, Il-2
Naval Fighter/Fighter bomber: F4F3/F4F4
Fighter/Interceptor: P38
Fighter/Fighter bomber: P40, Airacobra
Nightfighter: P-70
Bomber: B-29
MacArther this list is 1939 only.

Nice list JCS.
I was watching Discovery's Weekday Wings about the P38 and on the show they said that the P38 was the only fighter in production when WW2 started and when it ended. (I don't know how truthful this show was)
fighter: Me109E

bomber: B17 (heavy) He-111 or Wellington (tactical) Stuka (dive)

ground support: Hurricane

NB: Last 2 could be replaced by Ju88?

Fast recon: Me110 or Me109 sans armament

coastal patrol/maritime bomber: Fw Condor

transport: Ju290

primary trainer: dh 82 tiger moth

advanced trainer: Hurricane and/or Me109

carrier fighter: Zeke (was it available in '39?)
I'm just going to write two of each main type of plane. fighter spitfire,bf109 heavy fighter-P38,Fokker g1 ground attack/dive bomber-JU87,BF110 light bomber-A20,the Blenheim, medium bomber-JU88,the Wellington, heavy bomber-B17,Short Stirling, maritime-short sunderland,the catalina(dont know if it was around in 1939 recon-p38,JU86( high altitude type don't know if it was around in 1939) carrier-the zero,the swordfish. I thought of putting the zero as a escort due to its long range,but being fireprone I'm having second thoughts.(but it was manueverable) I figured these planes would make a decent airforce. 8)
although i believe that bit about the -38 is only for the length of time america was involved in the war as the prototype -38 only flew 1st in '39 anyway........
RAGMAN also makes a good point about the zero being used as an escort, her range cirtainly allowed it i wonder how well she'd be able to fly long range escort for heavy bombers of the kind we saw -51s do in europe??

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