1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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Yeap that is what I allways though, thanks for proving my point. You know since Hussars is going to go ahead and make Spitfire torpedo bombers I think I will make the Fiesler Storch my torpedo bomber.


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Yeah that was a crappy making of a torpedo Storch. That is why I apologized for it, but I think it gets my point across. Then again maybe I should use CC's grand slam dropping Storch and make it a heavy bomber, its about the same as a torpedo dropping Spitfire.
You know since Hussars is going to go ahead and make Spitfire torpedo bombers I think I will make the Fiesler Storch my torpedo bomber.

It was just a creative Idea,I know it had never been done, I was just looking at the wing design of the plane and thought that it could do the job quite nicely considering the need for steady flight.
The Spitfire is too light a frame to carry a torpedo.

And I'll keep my original list;

Interceptor: Spitfire
Fighter/Ground Attack: Hawk-75
Maritime Patrol: PBY
the lancaster kicks ass said:
holy crap that's bad i seem to remember CC made a sharkmouth storch dropping a grand slam from 40,000ft once?

Yes I did. Who votes a repost?

For me I think...

Fighter: CR.42
Torp Bomber: SM.79
Transport: SM.81
Bomber: P.108
Ground Attack: Ba-65
Recon: Ca-311
Maritime: Z.501

Ok so what if its basically the RA
I go with this, not sure if it is the same or not from my last list:

Fighter - Bf-109E
Intercepter - Hurricane
Ground Attack - Ju-87
Transport - C-47
Bomber - Ju-88
Fighter: Fiat Cr.42
Interceptor: Spitfire
Fighter bomber: Me-110
Attack: Ki-27 (could carry a small bombload, had two machine guns, was lightweight and had good range).
Bomber: G3M
Torpedoe bomber/coastal patrol: SM.79
Transport: C-47 (even though the Ju52/3m is cooler)

I know i recently did a list, but this one is revised and im trying to mix it up a little bit.
Okay very interesting, especially since it was an aircraft that was outclassed in 1939 and slaughtered by the Luftwaffe. The ones Type 5/6 used by the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War were completly outclassed the Bf-109B, C, D, and E's used by the Condor Legion there.

In fact I might be wrong the Type 24 were not introduced until 1940.

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