5" 38 Mark 28 Twin Gun Secondary Battery from Iowa Class Battleships

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One of the pro's you can add was giving all of us here a ring side seat to this endeavor. You sir are a true artisan!
Incredibles 1 is one of my favorite Pixar movies.

Thanks for all the wonderful thoughts!

I decided to do just one more thing. I drew, printed and now fit the transition pieces between the superstructure bulkhead and the UHR. It bugged me that I hadn't done it. Tomorrow I'll glue the two of them in place… very carefully. I was able to draw and print that nice intersecting curved portion so it nestled in correctly.

And painted (not glued)

So… tomorrow it will be completely done!
These will be the last posts on this topic until I deliver the model in late July.

It's now OFFICIALLY DONE with the additional of the transition pieces. I am not happen with the final result. My test fitting seemed tighter than the glued-in part. Don't know how that could happen. The glue film was quite thin. It still works, but I really wanted it flush. I screwed the case back on and it's never coming off (unless something breaks).

Until the next time, it's been great sharing with y'all!

I now posting my Takom AH-64D Apache build at Takom 1/35 AH-64D Longbow Start-to-Finish Build. It's a little too modern for the WW2 aircraft site… that is unless you guys want to see it here.
Just an update on the next New Jersey monster project. All lights are green re: building the #3 engine room in 1:48. I was able to track down a full set of engineering and propulsion drawings at the US National Archives. The drawings are housed at the NA repository at College Park, Maryland and I must view them in person since they are the only extant drawings anywhere. There are very special rules associated with viewing original documents including getting a Researcher's Card and completing an online training program. I have applied for the card and have passed the program. I must pick up the card in person when I visit. My wife and I are, therefore, planning a long weekend trip to Washington D.C., where I will spend the Friday at College Park photogaphing and making notes about what I need. I've also been given permission by Ryan to spend time in #3 ER during my visit to the at the beginning of August. Hope to be able to do some 3D scanning like I did with the 16" turret project. Don't have a date yet for the research trip. I will also start posting the Apache Helicopter project here as requested.

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