Thanks Hugh.
Went to bed straight after posting Andy !
All the old paint has now been removed, although there are a couple of rough spots which will need light sanding, once the surface has hardened.
This was mainly on the sides of the nacelles, and probably due to leaving the stripper on the surface a little too long before scraping off the paint. Consequently, as the stripper dried out, the loosened paint started to dry into rather sticky, rubbery lumps, but I'm confident that all will be well once sanded.
When that's done, a further rub-over with "T-Cut" ( car body colour restorer ) will smooth things out, and then a wash-down with enamel thinners to finally clean the surface.
I'll start a separate thread showing how this product works, and what to watch out for, as I think it may be useful to some members who have previously asked about paint removal.
I've decided to replace the scratch-built exhausts, and have ordered the "Brengun" resin Spitfire set of four, which should do the job.
The model surface should be ready for sanding by tomorrow, so I'm hoping to complete the surface preparation by tomorrow night, and then move on to sorting the canopy, which will need to have the side windows made from clear sheet.
Pics show how things look so far.