6th Of June, 1944: D-Day

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Nov 9, 2005
The longest day


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The blown Sherman had used as a commo of the units location before the D-day came.


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I was looking at the pictures of the LST's unloading right on the beach.

Thats why the allies could invade France, and the Germans couldnt invade England.

We had the logistics to do it.
The other side


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I salute an uncle, now deceased some 15 years who came onshore during the Normandie landings and ended the war with his company in central Germany.

Gents just as a side note, do not forget also what happend in Italy during this week. Yes it is little known ..........
It is a shame that there is a lack of respect and attention given to the mission that these men faced. It disheartened me to see that any mention of D-Day was relegated to the 4th page in our newspaper, in place of 6-6-6 stories. It scares me to think how few people now recognize these important dates in history, which had a tremendous impact on the future of our world. I thank all of the men who when faced the most unbelievable of tasks were able conquer them with excellence. I am still one of the few that remember this day for what it is, and I personally will never forget June-6th. God Bless those men who fought on that day, and the many days after.
Yes, it is also a shame that there has not been much mentioned on the news of this historic day :( Anyway attached are the most famous pics of D-day by Robert Capa (who worked with my Great-grandfather at Time and Life - I have pics of them as well as some that my great-grandfather took on D-day (he was also a war photographer at Time Life).

From top to bottom:

1) The Landing
2) Hedgehogs
3) Landings
4) Landings
5) Frank Scherschel on D-day (at Portsmouth).


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horse[USA] said:
God Bless those men who fought on that day, and the many days after.


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V2, that second pic of the airplanes flying over the battleship could not have been photo'd off of Normandy.

All four Iowa class BB's were stationed in the Pacific.
While we should remember the Normandy invasion and the liberation of Rome, dont forget the battles in the PTO.

US forces were fighting on the island of Biak, another stepping stone in the road back to the PI. A vast armada was also at sea, steaming towards Saipan, and destiny in the battle for the Philipine Sea. In Burma, British forces were driving towards Impahl and looking at their first success's in the battle for this forgotten theater.

I salute all of the veterans wherever they may have fought in that month.
I salute every veteran that fought in any theatre, any country in any month of the war. Even if it's the British losing their hold on Crete, or defeating the Afrika Korps at El Alamein. The Americans losing Wake Island, or pushing through Dessau. The Russians being encircled around Kiev, or smashing through at Kursk. The Canadians being held up at Dieppe , or running up Juno. The French being rolled over at Sedan, or the Normandie Niemann flying over the Ost Front.

And even the Germans and Italians who fought for their nation with great bravery! And all the soldiers of any army, who had to endure the pain and suffering of that war.


And not forgetting the civilians , the machinists, the farmers, the miners and the mill workers who kept the war machine ticking over.

Blah blah blah, we salute Vets every day here, but the D-Day landings at Normany were especially significant in that it was the beginning of the end for the Third Reich, and I feel a special something in my guts when I consider that hail of gunfire those guys coming off the landing craft had to deal with....
When Germany started the war, it was the end of the Third Reich.

6th June, 1944, would be the final nail in the coffin for Germany. Almost everyday in the war would have had something significant though.

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