'88's, or here's your thread Guttorm....

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Here is where I rattle your cage, yet another one Jan!!! :lol:


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Here's another one for you Jamie....

25.06.41, II./KG 30, Ju 88 A-5, Wk. Nr. 0212, 4D+DM. On return flight from mission to east coast of Scotland, reported engine problems in position 05 Ost/1870. (F) Gefr. Helmut Schröder, (Bo) Gefr. Gotthardt Hänel, (Bf) Gefr. Hans Glaser, (Bs) Gefr. Walter Hinz all MIA....

11.07.41, 1.(F)/120 Ju 88 D-2, Wk. Nr. 0866, A6+CB By Scotland, (F) Lt. Gerhard Denner, (B) Lt. Ernst Meyer, (Bf) Uffz. Lothar Husskönig, (Bs) Gefr. Heinz Treppte all MIA....
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Since the 1/32 '88 I want to do is an A-4, I'll have to get this conversion set.....


Unfortunately I couldn't post the pic here of the set, since it's HTML, and believe me I tried...!:( :lol:

Here their A-4 engines though...
Here's another one for you Jamie!

04.03.1941 1.(F)/120, Ju 88 0683 A6+LH, Scapa Flow, shot down by three Hurricanes from No. 253 Sqn. Skaebrae. (F) Fw. Johann Mischke MIA (B) Fw. Helmut Schmidt MIA (Bf) Uffz. Christian Ingwersen MIA (Bo) Gefr. Richard Priebsch MIA....

I don't know if you can find out with the Wk. Nr. if its an A-4 or not...
Got one on ebay Gutt, for 26 sheeps, I hope that you're happy now! Just need the above set to do my missing A-4! :oops:


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Jan's in the Ju club, Jan's in the Ju club, dah de de dah dah......
Now he's going to have to move to a bigger apartment/house/mansion/hangar, as all of his kits have more living space than him!!

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