A Berlin Glimpse of the War

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Found this website that posted a page from a Berlin newspaper. Its pretty interesting, including how the media manipulated the news. I love the part "retreated to planned positions"! Anyhow, here is an excerp and a link to the page.

Berliner Morgenpost -- 5 October 1944

Strong pressure near Antwerp continues
From the Führer's Headquarters, 4 October. The Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht reports:

Strong pressure from the First Canadian Army near Antwerp and along the Belgian-Dutch border continues north of Turnhout. Heavy battles are in progress.

North of Ninwegen and along the Maas, the English and North Americans are staging strong, and for them costly, attacks, but have been unable to break through due to tough resistance and strong counter-attacks on the part of our soldiers and armored forces.

Only along the German-Dutch border south of Geilenkirchen were newly-arrived American divisions able to make limited local incursions into our position, after some give and take.

Over Holland and the Vogenes, German fighter planes made several attacks, and assisted ground troops by attacking low-flying enemy fighters

In the Parron Forest and the hills east of Spnal and Rémiremont, masses of American units continued attacks under heavy fire, but were only able to take individual villages and sections of forest.

At Dunkirk, there is a cease fire to allow the evacuation of the civilian population. There were isolated artillery attacks and local battles at our fortresses along the Atlantic coast.

Our infantry divisions in the Italian mountains resisted heavy attacks by American forces along a broad front.

In hard battles for individual hills, in part from new positions, they defeated all attempts by the enemy to break through. Along the Adriatic coast, attacking British companies were repulsed.

We are undertaking countermeasures against advancing Soviet forces along the Soviet-Rumanian border north of the Iron Gate, in the area north and northwest of Belgrade.

There is heavy fighting south of the major curve of the Danube. German and Hungarian troops carried out successful attacks west of Krad.

To the southwest of Großwardein, our tank forces repulsed Soviet infantry and tank units, destroying 24 tanks. Strong enemy attacks to the west of Thoreau and along the Maros were repulsed by our troops after insignificant gains.

In Ostbeskiden, heave attacks continue, above all on roads leading through the passes, particularly south of Dukla.

After repulsing Soviet attacks, and transferring all weapons and war material with the help of the navy, our forces evacuated their positions in the southern part of the island of Dägo.

In Finland, our troops, retreating to the north, reached their planned positions.

German naval vessels in the waters off northern Norway damaged three Soviet PT boats, one so seriously that it is presumed sunk.

North American bombers made a terror attack on Nuremberg, with overcast skies. Dwelling areas and cultural landmarks were damaged. Enemy terror bombers also attacked Cologne and the Rhineland.

During the past night, British bombers dropped bombs on Kassel and Aschaffenburg. Several dwellings in places in the south and southwest were damaged by random bombs or machine gun fire from enemy aircraft.

Anti-aircraft forces shot down 31 enemy planes, including 13 four-engine bombers.
it is interesting of course that Goebells the little shrimp seemed to be everywhere, look over the site and you will see what I mean, his voice was background on a number of the Deutsche Wochenschau films

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