A Dewoitine D.520 under Italian flag - From the Azur kit in 1:32

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I think you can be right Alberto. If the nose would be of solid yellow colour it was enough to apply the dark grey at the top of the engine cowling. So the yellow bottom part of it is possible and could have refered to the German similar marking.
OK, here I'm, eventually!!!

Following photos aren't very good but should be enough to give an idea on how her camou will look:

Some retouches are needed here and there, specially where the blue-grey colour meet the other colours but I can say that I'm almost there.
Now working to get a good mask to paint the white fuselage band and the red six.
Looking really great.

But looking at pictures of the "6" you had posted , the layout of camo spots was different.
Yes Wojtec, you are right, there are some differences between my model and reference pictures.
Left side is, I think, very close to the colour profile, may be I need to add a grey area on the right of the white band.
For the right side, the brown area close to the front window needs to be extended a bit on the right.
Anything else?
By the way, many thanks for your comment.
Alberto , my pleasure . But I had a look your pictures only. The yellow ring indicates that the dark colour was applied on the leading eadge of the fin and sides partially. The pictures of both the port and starboard show the same. The red arrow showes that there wasn't any green ( khaki) colour at the area. The light camo spot was running on both sides of the fuselage and its top. It is possible the green-khaki paint might have been applied as the blotch around the cockpit conopy and the fuselage sides. It looks quite lighter than the one just behind exhaust pipes and the one behind the white band. The image of the starbard at the cockpit area shows it as well. But there is a possiblity of the chocolate spot just below the windscreen and going a little bit down making the dark blob below the windscreen. ALso the layout of the camo spots on wing tops was different too.

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More I try to understand this subject, more my head-hake increases.
I tried to work on my pictures, just to figure-out.

Some grey after the white band, some more kaki-green on the fin (evident on pictures but, difficult to understand, normally there was an hard separation between the camou colour and the yellow, later covered with grey)
Not to difficult to adjust the right side as well.

But what about the area I identified with a question mark? In order to be lighter then the grey on the cowl, one option could be to use under-wing colour for that blotch, as seen here, first in colour, then converted in grey scale.

But so far I have never seen a camou arranged like this.
I will sleep on this and take a decision tomorrow.
Alberto, I'm very sorry I'm confusing you. It hasn't been my goal. But I would like to help you with understanding. I know the model is almost done now and I'm not willing to force you to changing of anything. But pictures of the Red 6 show just different layout of the camo. To be honest these French WW2 camo schemes are very unique for each plane. But the camo of the Red6 seems to be quite similar to others that can be seen in many pictures take at that time.

OK. Look at these pics please. I used these ones that were poste in the thread. Both of them are colour images and I converted them to the Greyscale.
We can assume that these colours are quite close to these used in reality. You may notice that the Chocloate ( Brown ) colours is darker than the Green ( Khaki ) one. The Green paint is darker than the Dark Blue Grey coat. I have tried to convert a couple of other colour pictures and each time I got the same effect. The Chocolate/Brown is the darkest paint in the B&W images. The Green is a little bit lighter than the Chocolate/Brown. The Dark Blue Grey is usually the lightest one, especially if faded. Can you see?

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If I may throw my two cents worth in here re French camo. They had a policy that no two camouflages should be identical on any aircraft of the same model, there thinking being that it would confuse the enemy. So no two aircraft of the same make or mark were ever painted with an identical camouflage pattern.

Having said that Alberto, I do love that very soft colouring you have achieved.
OK, many thanks to all and specially to Wojtec for the contribution.
I finally understood the cause of my head-hake, I started the lay-out of my camou from the colour profile, this one, that having been made by a famous Italian illustrator, I presumed it was correct.

Instead the meticulous study done by Wojtec showed that the expert was wrong.
Nothing too bad.
Today is a nice sunny day in Milan, no grandchildren are expected to arrive in my house, so I can dedicate some time to adjust my previous painting job.
Hope to show some pictures late today or tomorrow.
Alberto, all is OK. I would presume that too, having the profile only. I must admit I haven't seen these pictures of the Red 6 yet. The one with the cockpit area at the starboard was the only one I had seen before. But looking at these images you posted and the profile it became clear that the profle is incorrect especially that the port side of the plane is highly seen in your image.

Additionally here is my rendition for the wing top colours. There is a problen with the starboard wing root area because it is hidden by a shadow. But I have an idea on how the camo looked like there. Those on the stabilizers and elevators shouldn't be any trouble to identify.

Many thanks Wojtec for your suggestion for upper surfaces, I've got something to do tomorrow. About national markings, its almost sure that there were no marking at all on both upper and lower surfaces, very simply the French roundels were covered with light grey paint, probably "grigio mimetico".
One more item to add on my masking project.

In the mean time I grabbed my airbrush and modified side camou and I think I got almost there, see below:

I agree with Terry.

As far as the national markings are concerned.. you might be right. If the French ones were covered with the grigio mimetico colour these would be looking dark. As a result there would be dark discs on top wings. A such disc can be noticed on the starboard wing in the image below.
One more note though... I'm still believing that the D.520 in the picture below is the D-510 before sending to the unit and getting the red number 6.
If I'm right the light camo spot on the starboard should be spread to the wing root and wing top.

Alberto ,

I have found in one of a couple profiles of the Red6 inscription that she was a plane used by GC II/1 before being sent to Italy. I'm not sure when the kite was taken over by Italian AF but the one shown in your pictures is dated on 1943. All Vichy planes should have had these yellow-red markings applied by the time. But a picture of D.520 of the GC II/1 I found via the net , reveals that in 1942 there were D.520s without these markings. However an image of another GC II/1 D.520 shows that th kind of marking was wearing in 1943. But the most important feature, I would like to make a focus on , is the camo layout. Also, if the Italian number 510 is the origin French one, the no.517 is very close to the Red6 serial number.
Looking familiar ?

GC II/1 D.520 no.517

GC II/1 D.520 no.523

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Many thanks for your further support.
In facts the camou lay-out is very similar and it could be as, presumably the 517 was delivered to the Armee de l'Aire just after the 510. But the colour arrangement, for instance on the spine we see a grey colour instead of chocolate.
In any case I developed my own top wings lay-out and I will try to apply it today.


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