A fast and unusual German

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Airman 1st Class
May 14, 2013
The link below provides a full report and pictures of one of the fastest aircraft of its class, but never went into production. We are talking about the Heinkel He 119. If it had been produced and participated in WW2 its performance would have changed in some way the course of the war? What do you think? Click on the link below and take your own conclusions.

Aviação em Floripa: Heinkel He 119

Best Regards.
Still posting pictures that you've taken from other sources without giving proper credit. How many forums have you been banned from now? How many usernames have you used this month? Four that I know of.


First of all he is not taking credit for the pictures.

Second of all, didn't two moderators already tell you to knock it off? They said they would not tolerate a BS copyright argument when there is no evidence of wrongdoing? Why are you showing a lack of respect for them and our forum?

This is the final warning.
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Still posting pictures that you've taken from other sources without giving proper credit. How many forums have you been banned from now? How many usernames have you used this month? Four that I know of.

Perhaps if you took as much effort to view thier page as you have posting this bulls!t, you would have seen this at the bottom of pampas' page:

That right there is credit/source information...
There is a simple reason why LW wasn't interested in He 119 as a combat plane, namely evaporative cooling system. Planes using it were not suitable for combat duties.
Please respect that we know him and his other incarnations as nasty spammer from other sites, his only intention is to increase hits on his website. He does not care about copyright from others, taking images and text from various sources assuming on the web = free.
This "sources consulted" statement is a joke.
The He 119 had one quite negative effect on the Luftwaffe: the aircraft was powered by the DD606, the same engine that powered the HE 177A1 through A3. In the He 119 it gave no trouble at all and so the DB606 Was deemed reliable and used.

Watch it, Denniss! The Moderators are handing out warnings about posting negative views of this guy. I've already got mine.

I find it interesting that he's a horrible spammer with many aliases all over the internet and yet here, not a problem at all...

So why is this?

And we said to knock it off!

Please respect the moderators and our forum rules.

Consider this your warning.
i don't see spamming in what he is doing. i could be wrong but the more i hear the more is sounds like your gripe with him is more along a personal nature... harald joergens posts the link to his virtual views of aircraft and not person one accuses him of spamming.
I have asked to respect that we know him from other forums and received a 5-point infraction. What a BS. If you ask for respect then you should respect others as well.
I have asked to respect that we know him from other forums and received a 5-point infraction. What a BS. If you ask for respect then you should respect others as well.

I gave you a 5 point infraction because 2 moderators already told you guys to drop it. We don't see any spamming going on, and you two following him around and accusing him in every thread will not be tolerated. You continue to do so. That is disrespect for the 2 moderators who told you not to, and disrespect for the forum rules.

You know what is BS? You not respecting the moderators wishes to drop it. You jumping around from thread to thread accusing this guy of spamming when he is doing nothing different than any one else does. I find that fricken insulting that despite the requests of two different moderators to please stop it, you continue to do so. You are not above it all.

How many times do we have to ask you to drop it?

If you have a problem with that you can address me in a PM or contact another moderator. Enough of this BS alright.

That goes for you too dogsbody.

Now lets move along, and everyone get along. If you don't care for his website and threads than just simply stay away from them. Don't click on his links, and don't click on his threads. Not a single person is forcing you to do so. Life will be a lot more happier for you if you stop worrying about petty little things that have no bearing on your life whatsoever.

"Oh my god, someone is getting people to go their website!"
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I saw Mike on the last page ask how you would like to sit next to a driveshaft carrying 2,000 HP, but it didn't seem to hurt a lot a P-39 pilots who had a driveshaft running between their legs carrying 1,325 - 1,600 hp. The driveshaft proved to be very reliable and damage resistant.

Had the He 119 gone forward with a regular radiator, I don't think the driveshaft would have been an issue. The visibility might have been an issue, though. The pilot was almost but not quite flying "blind" but to a very restricted view.

I'm just not sure what missions might have been assigned to it that would justify the aircraft to start with ... once the "record breaker" mission was done, what could have been done with it assuming a normal radiator? It certainly wasn't much of a transport and had no bomb bay. It wasn't ever going to be a fighter without major redesign. Maybe reconaissance?
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Perhaps as a production model, a very low "blister" style canopy could be installed to improve the plot's foreward visibility?

Sort of like one of the B-36's canopies but much lower and aerodynamic so there isn't alot of drag to rob the aircraft's speed.

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