A few more future releases.

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Well...sight unseen I would go with Tamiya, you must know from their Zero And Spitfire kits that this will be a SUPER Model! No disrespect intended at all to ZM Ihave there first 2 releases!
Agreed Wayne, plus at 93 USD, the Tamiya kit from HLJ, is a great bargain, even with shipping. Wonder what it will be going for here in the states?, when it finally gets here, no one here has it listed, pre-order, or future release. Anyway, got till the end of May to preorder @ 20% off, so no hurry.
And I've got the Trumpeter to deal with. But then I'm making it race 6 at Reno, Merlin's Magic. So it gets cut up a bit. But after seeing the Spit, it should be a good one.
Wayne, I did it, preordered the P-51D from HLJ, first time I've ever ordered a kit totally sight unseen, got to rely on Tamiyas reputation on this one.

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