A few shots of Prague...

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Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

As promised, here are a few of the pictures I took during my trip to Prague.

When I booked my room online from the 3-stars/4-stars (depending of the sites) hotel U Suteru, I didn't know what it would be like... It ended as being better than I expected... A nice room with a lot of space and even a mini-bar !

Then I went out to take a look at this nice city. As you can see in one of my pictures, Communism in Czech Republic is dead for good.

I then went to the Wenceslas Square (that place isn't easy to find, you know) and I tripped over that cross-shaped thing... Can anyone of you tell me what the hell it is ? It looks like some sort of monument... Could it be to mark the place where Jan Palach comitted suicide in 1969 ?

More to come...


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I spent the following day at the Prague Castle. I went to Karlstejn the next day then the old town, Terezin, Konopiste (Archduke Franz Ferdinand's last home) then the National Museum, the Jewish district and I finished my week in Prague with a day trip to Kutna Hora.

Hope you like the pictures...


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Hi Maestro,

I´m really sorry I couldn´t join you for a beer but my son went to school on Wednesday 1st, my wife was sick, so I had to take 2 days of vacation to take care for her and my little daughter.
As I can see from the pictures you have seen a lot and also Sts. Cyril and Metodius church where the Czech paratropers who killed Heydrich fought teir last fight...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwKQ6MZoZlM
Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Prague
The holes made by machine guns bullets still can be seen around the crypt window, have you noted them?
I´ve heard the crypt is accessible as well since 1 year ago.Were you in?
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Some very nice pictures my Maestro and it looks like you had a really nice time. I've a feeling you were amazed by the fabulous architecture of Prague, which is not surprising as one cannot be anything but impressed with such splendid buildings of the European cities.
Hi Maestro,

I´m really sorry I couldn´t join you for a beer but my son went to school on Wednesday 1st, my wife was sick, so I had to take 2 days of vacation to take care for her and my little daughter.

No problem, mate.

The holes made by machine guns bullets still can be seen around the crypt window, have you noted them?
I´ve heard the crypt is accessible as well since 1 year ago.Were you in?

If I noticed them ? Does the following picture answers your question ? ;)

I didn't went into the crypt, as the doors were closed. However, there is a nice exposition in the basement of the church about that military operation. Well worth the 75Kc admission price.


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If I noticed them ? Does the following picture answers your question ? ;)
I didn't went into the crypt, as the doors were closed. However, there is a nice exposition in the basement of the church about that military operation. Well worth the 75Kc admission price.
Oh yeah, it does. That´s a good answer! So the crypt was closed...hmm...gotta find out when is it open.
Hell, yeah ! Too bad it rained on 5 of the 7 days I was there... :rolleyes:
Sorry for that ****ing weather mate! This year is crazy. Usually also in September we have a nice weather. Usually...
But this year we had rainy and cold May and June, July was pretty hot almost like in Texas, but August and September is rainy and cold again. At least I didn´t spend so much money on beer this year...:rolleyes: but I´d like to...8)
Did you ever find out what the wooden thing in the road was?

Nope. My theory is that it must be some sort of monument... Probably to Jan Palach, a University student from Prague who commited suicide by immolation in the Wenceslas Square in 1969 as a protestation to the Soviet occupation of the Czech Republic. But I have no confirmation.

However, no matter what it is, they should have made it more visible as I almost broke a leg over it. :rolleyes:
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Nope. My theory is that it must be some sort of monument... Probably to Jan Palach, a University student from Prague who commited suicide by immolation in the Wenceslas Square in 1969 as a protestation to the Soviet occupation of the Czech Republic. But I have no confirmation.

However, no matter what it is, they should have made it more visible as I almost broke a leg over it. :rolleyes:
I´ve never noted it. It may be in memory of Palach.
I´ll try to ask for that.

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