A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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Started this one already, Special Hobby 48073 Fokker D.XXI 4.Sarja with Wasp Junior Engine, not too bad at all...deciding whether to whack it in the Current GB...

This will be added to the pile to read when the postman calls....
Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart (Auswahl und kommentar: Ursula Hartmann, mit einem Einführungsteil von Manfred Jäger): Der Jagdflieger Erich Hartmann - Bilder und Dokumente, 1978.





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Oooh that looks tasty!

I think it is.
I got it from a huge book store that sells used books in Copenhagen, it turned out that they had just received a huge load of books from a collector who specialized in aviation books - I'm definitely going back on pay day! :D
And I got it cheaply too - 250 DKr, that's about 33 euro.

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