A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Well, how about a few teasers then mate!

Oh, and you're welcome Maria.... *limps to the couch*
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Well, how about a few teasers then mate!
Sure, I'll toss up three teasers for ya'!

First shot is from page 104, and is a nice detailed photo of Saturn's moon, Rhea...it suuuuure looks familiar, doesn't it...

Next, is an amazing photo of the Nebula NGC3603, which is 20,000 lightyears distant and is found on page 213

And then we have a very cool image (seen top right, numbered 5 in the photo) found on page 139 and I'll let the page's caption do the talking!

Now how's that for a teaser?
As I've been reading about the ill fated "Baby Blitz", Operation Steinbock, I was inspired to get a copy of this epic story:

Only £26.00 on Amazon at the moment if anyone else is interested?
Which reminds me, I must acknowledge Paul's generosity in sending me a brand new copy of the book "Night of the Intruders" by Ian McLachlan. Those of you who have been following my soon-to-be-resurrected Me 410 build may recall that Paul has had a keen interest in that build as I've tried to depict the aircraft of Major Dietrich Puttfarken, who's name shows up in Paul's siggy. Puttfarken was lost, presumably over the North Sea, on the night of April 22/23, 1944 while taking part in the intruder operations against Mission 311, the subject of this book.

Thank-you Paul!


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Thank you all - and happy reading Andy, it is a gripping story.

I'll certainly report back on the 177 book. It has been getting very good reviews on other forums although a few miss-captioned photos have been mentioned, but that's easy enough to sort out.
NIce finds and I'll have to search around for that Mission 311 book. Very interesting. I checked Amamzon and my "Emblems" book has shipped and should be here....today or tommorrow.
I GOT IT!!! And well worth the wait!! Emblems for every LW unit for every branch, SE fighters, TE fighters, bombers , transports, training......on and on!!

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