Academy 1/72 B-17E "Old 666" 43rd Bomb Group 1943

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Well the time has come to blow the dust off of Old 999. I started with filling and sanding the seams.

After multiple sessions of filling, sanding and repeat (about a weeks worth) I feel I'm ready to move forward.

Thanks for looking

If you've been following the history along with the build you may recall the part of the story concerning George Kendrick. George was the ships only waist gunner. He had replaced the original single side mounted 30. cals with twin 50. cals in each window. He also had spare machine guns mounded to the fuselage and along the catwalks just in case any of them jammed. If a gun would jam he would toss it over board and replace it with one of the spares he brought along. According to Jay Zeamer George was the screwball of the crew. He even had a machine gun mounted behind the ball turret through the floor of the aircraft which brings me to the next part of the build.

To the best of my knowledge no photos exist of Old 666 so the only thing I have to go by in the way things were setup are the eyewitness accounts of the crew. Now except for the passage I posted back in posted earlier from jay Zeamer I can only speculate how George set this gun through the floor. That along with some creative embellishments on my part will all I have to go by. So here we go. In order to have a gun usable through the floor one has to speculate he had also had some kind of window to see through.

Here I marked the area out using a spare waist gunners window. I thought about using a bubble window like on the top of the nose of the F model but decided not to.

Here is the window in place.I drilled and dry fitted the machine gun barrel but won't mount it till sometime after the beast has been painted

Next I moved onto the wings. I have a lot of seem work to do in this area. I also need to remove the carburetor intakes

First time I saw this thread Dirk and just did a quick look through it to see the work you've done, and it looks beautiful. Should be something really special when it's done.
Back to Old 666

Here I masked off the area where a single .50 cal machine gun will be mounted for use by pilot Jay Zeamer. Because of the angle of the nose I needed to level out the attaching point so the the gun will fire straight and level. It's hard to see the difference in these photos but should be noticed when the gun is eventually mounted.

After more prep work the wings are ready to be installed

Dry Fitting

Glued in place. I believe I have the correct angle of the wings set. The tips should be just about level with the top of the pilots windows. The gaps you see will be filled in with evergreen styrene

Here is what I used o fill the gap where the wing meets the fuselage.

Horizontal control surfaces in place

Now that the wings are in place I had to modify my lego jig.

The last thing I did was fill the gaps with Mr Surfacer 500 and let it sit over night

Till next time thanks for looking

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