Adler's Warbirds

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Chris I think the Kingfisher in DC may have been the one that was in Palm springs back in around 1997. They had one on display that was supposed to have been on loan from the Smithsonian.
Airspeed Oxford I
SN: MP425

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Aircraft was constructed at Standard Motor Car Co Ltd, Coventry and delivered on 12 March 1943. It was assigned to No.1536 Beam Approach Training Flight, Spitalgate, Lincs. The Flight had moved to Spitalgate that month, training newly qualified night fighter pilots in instrument landing practice. It was used in several training until it was retired in 1960.

Avro Lancaster B.Mk.1
SN: R5868

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Lancaster B I R5868 "S-Sugar" is the oldest surviving Lancaster and flew 137
operations, originally as "Q-Queenie" with No. 83 Squadron RAF from RAF Scampton
and then as "S-Sugar" with No. 463 and No. 467 RAAF Squadrons from RAF Waddington. 8 of this aircraft's missions were to Berlin.

Built by Metropolitan-Vickers at its Mosley Road works, Manchester. After
completion taken by road to A.V.Roe plant at Woodford. Part of a batch of
100 originally ordered as Manchesters in 1939 of which only the first 43
were built as such, the remaining 57, including R5868 being completed as

Avro Lancaster B.MK.III "Old Fred"
SN: DV372

Current Location: Imperial War Museum, London, England

Served with No. 467 Sqn RAAF as PO-F.

Bristol Beaufigher TF Mk. X
SN: RD253

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Aircraft was built in October 1944. It was assigned to To No.19 Maintenance Unit St Athan, Glamorgan, on 02 November 1944. On 18 March 1945 was ferried to Lisbon, Portugal where it was transferred to the Portuguese Naval Air Arm until it was withdrawn from service in 1949.

Bristol Beaufort Mk. VIII

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

This aircraft is a composite made up of parts from 24 different Beaufort wrecks.

Bristol Blenheim IV
SN: 10001

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Little of this aircraft's service career is known other than it is actually a Canadian Variant Bristol/Fairchild Bolingbroke IV-T. It was delivered to the RCAF on 20 October 1942, and retired from service on 15 May 1946

de Havilland Mosquito B35
SN: TJ138

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

This aircraft was delivered in March 1945, but was assigned to No.27 MU Shawbury, Salop for storage on 13 April 1945. On 19 May 1952 it was taken out of storage and converted to a Target Tug until it was retired on 31 May 1963.

de Havilland Vampire F3
SN: VT812

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Aircraft was built under contract by English Electric, Preston and delivered on 24 October 1947. It was assigned to No.5 MU in Kemble. On 30 December 1948 it as assigned to No. 32 Squadron in Nicosia, Cyprus, replacing the units Spitfire FR18's. The Squadron's aircraft were the first RAF jet fighters to serve outside NW Europe. On 05 July 1950, the aircraft was returned to England and reassigned to No. 614 Squadron. On 04 April 1942, the aircraft suffered Cat 3 Damage in an accident.

The accident record card held by DoRIS, Ref.MFC77/16/129 gives the following details:

"Just after take-off there was a loss of power......... pilot joined the circuit and made a bad approach with dive brakes out and full flap. Aircraft undershot and undercarriage collapsed on hitting a soft spot...

Pilot showed extremely bad airmanship during approach. He could have made a good landing with 7500rpm but he left dive brakes out... panicked in his cockpit procedure.

`Pilot to be discharged from squadron for this and other reasons as unlikely to become an efficient fighter pilot"

The aircraft was repaired by 22 June 1953 and reassigned to No. 602 Squadron in Glasgow. It's last flight was flown on 23 November 1953, and it was then retired from service on 25 October 1954.

Gloster Gladiator Mk. 1
SN: K8042

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Aircraft was delivered to No. 1 Aircraft Storage Unit on 27 August 1937. On 13 February 1939 it was reassigned to No. 5 MU, Kemble. On 01 June 1941 it was transferred to Gloster Aircraft Co. to be updated to current standards. On 22 September 1941 it was assigned to Controller of Research and Development for a short and successful trial with 2 extra 0.303 in. guns under the top wing, giving it a total of 6 guns. On 20 April 1942 it was assigned to No. 27 Mu at Shawbury, Salop. On 24 May 1942 it was assigned to RAF Ternhill, Salop. On 27 May 1942 it was reassigned to No. 5 Pilots Advanced Flying Unit, Ternhill. On 27 October 1943 it was reassigned to No. 61 OTU at Rednal, Shropshire. This was a single-seat fighter training unit.

Excuse the very terrible quality of the picture...

Gloster Meteor F.8
SN: WH301

Current Location: RAF Museum Hendon, London, England

Aircraft was built by Armstrong Whitworth, Baginton, and delivered on 19 October 1951. The aircraft flown by several training and auxiliary units until it was retired in 1967.


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