Andy, you're quite right.
However, RAFM Hendon seemed to go rather 'arty farty' in the early '90's, with their so-called "mood lighting" , and AV presentations, along with stripping out some of the authentic backdrops and 'diorama' details.
Unfortunately, it looks like the plans for the 'new' RAFM have been given to even more 'arty farty' designer types, who's aim would appear to be to make a name for themselves in their limited, luvvy dovey world, with 'design' and 'presentation' for achievement being their goal.
They seem to have missed the point - we don't need 'hi-tech' crap designer shite, just clear, well presented, well lit, presentation of extremely important historical artefacts, that visitors can see, and appreciate, without the b*llocks of some jumped up, overpaid young sprog who wouldn't know a Spitfire from the Rs end of his own pencil - not that he (or she) would know what a pencil is, of course !!!!