lesofprimus said:
We here in America have too many options....
Les, how can you have
too many options ? I would give up everything to have as much freedom as Americans have.
Here, the gouvernment rules all TV and radio communications. With their section called CRTC, wich give the radio/TV licences and act as a Court of Justice for "illegal communications".
Canada is the lone country "supposed to be" democratic wich punish freedom of speech.
Did you heard about "CHOI 98.1 Radio X" ? If not you should, because it's main DJ (Jeff Fillion) was interviewed by an American journalist. The CRTC wanted to close the radio station because of Jeff Fillion's opinions. What's funny is that the American journalist asked Jeff : "If I understand well, the lone Federalist radio station in the Province of Québec is gonna be closed down by a
Federal office ?" Wich Jeff answered : "Yes."
Since the CRTC announced to close down "CHOI 98.1", a
HUGE (peaceful) manifestation took place in Québec City (at least 50,000 peoples) as well as in Ottawa, 1 or 2 week(s) later. Also a petition has been signed by approx. 350,000 peoples (including me). Now, the decision has been contested and will face a
true Court of Justice.
There is rumours saying that the "Bloc Québécois" (lone political party elected
specially to defend Quebecers rights at the Federal gouvernment) put some pressure to prevent the "New Democratical Party" to interfer. The lone party to have openly backed-up "CHOI 98.1" was the Conservator Party.
In my mind (as well as in several other Federalists minds) the "Bloc Québécois" did that only to have a good reason to declare Québec's independance. Saying that the Federal gouvernment shut us up will be a "good-seller" for all Nationalists.
If you want a good song that was written specialy for this event, download that : Pistolets Roses - Set Us Free (or if you prefer the original French version : Pistolets Roses - Liberté).
So that makes me say : does any of you know a cute British/Scottish or American girl interrested by a 20 years old French-Canadian security officer ?
Sorry for all that politic... But I had to let it out !