Aircraft Identification V

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My apologies for posting this. It's not WWII and this is not an excuse to post the obvious, but the UK services have published a 'Village Ladies' type calendar. But I'm genuinely puzzled as to what aircraft is shown here - engine nacelles and a wing gun? Did RAF Canberra's have wing guns? Gloster Meteor? I don't know...
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Oh, there's an aircraft under the ladies. Didn't see it at first. It's a Gloster Meteor, the ailerons give it away to me. But what is this black pipe sticking out of the leading edge? Maybe kind of a pitot or an aerial?

Oh, there's an aircraft under the ladies. Didn't see it at first. It's a Gloster Meteor, the ailerons give it away to me. But what is this black pipe sticking out of the leading edge? Maybe kind of a pitot or an aerial?


Setting aside the possibility of the Meteor getting excited at the attention, that would be the wing mounted cannon. From which I would say its an NF Meteor.
Aircraft has been identified, pic has been removed.

Very succinct summary!

But as has been mentioned, the pic was of a nightfighter Meteor probably an Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF 11. It's one of the wonderful things about this forum that the feedback identified it - I was never aware that any version of the Meteor had wing-guns until now!

Mods - thanks for your understanding, it was a genuine query!
I was never aware that any version of the Meteor had wing-guns until now!

The night fighter versions had, but from what I knew, they had four, two in each wing. I could make out only one in the pic.

Oh, looks like it isn't there anymore. Strange... Could have been fitting to the "What we fight for"-category.


EDIT: I stand corrected. Saw the other barrel below and slightly to the left. Anyway: "Pharisäer!"
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Oh, there's an aircraft under the ladies. Didn't see it at first. It's a Gloster Meteor, the ailerons give it away to me. But what is this black pipe sticking out of the leading edge? Maybe kind of a pitot or an aerial?


Hi Krabat
welcome back how's the kid?
May I take advantage of your return and ask you whether you heard about the Showa Sho98 Type 98?
I just found a pic somewhere on the net but there doesn't seem to be much information about it otherwise

Any information or pic or design or plan is appreciated
Hi carson,

I'm not "back", I'm afraid, I just took a few minutes at work to visit the thread. The kid is fine, though very straining at the moment. He was in the hospital the whole last week - a violent attack of Rotavirus. And obviously the whole thing must have made him edgy, he wakes up crying six or seven times each night. Hope this will end soon, I'm sure it will.

I will check my books at home about the Showa but to be honest, I didn't know the type before you mentioned it. How about asking Graeme, he usually knows these things much better than I do. And his kids are much older now.


Thanks anyway Krabat I hope Graeme will eventually look my thread up.
Best wishes for your kid I'm sure he will get better very very soon
Ok. I realize I don't visit this thread much and when I do a usually stay quiet but I found a craft that might intrigue you guys so here goes. The engine cowl is off a DC-3, the prop spinner is off a Constellation, and the rest of the mods are handcrafted. Oh, and it has a Pratt and Whitney R-1830 twin row radial with a two stage super charger with a luggage compartment just large enough for a golf bag full of clubs just in front of the cockpit.

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Wow! At first glance I even thought it was Sea Fury based until I recognised its true ID. Wicked!
Way to go Waynos!!!!!!! Here is a frontal view to better let you see the plane. Like I said it has the 1830 P&W with a two stage supercharger. The spinner is from a Constalation and the engine cowl is from a DC-3 and the airscoop on top of that is hand fabricated.


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