Aircraft Identification V

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No idea yet, Graeme. But I'm working on it. It's a strange combination of modern (canopy) and classic (tail) features. And the cowling looks somewhat like a Yak-11.
I think it might be Russian - it has a bit of a Sukhoi/ Lavochkin look about the motor and canopy to me. There appears to be the remains of a Norwegian or Ukranian roundel on the fueslage - very faint, behind the canopy. The tail interestingly looks almost British in design.
Do you know what this is already Graeme? Is it actually Italian?
If so, I guess it could be a SIAI Machetti machine of some sort.
There's some confusion here A4K. In this case I know the identity of the trainer, your job is to identify it.

Definitely Italian, but not a SIAI-Marchetti product.
French, definitely french. Looks somewhat like Arsenal, Morane or Devoitine.
Excellent, Merlin! To be exact, a MS 475, the predecessor 470 had a somewhat different cowling and engine.

This is a MS470:

and here´s another view of the 475:

The P-36s and P-40s had similarly strange gear with the wheels rotating to perpendicular (wheel sides face forward) before folding rearward instead of inward or outward. (this mechanism was a Boeing design iirc)
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