Airframes's 'Flying Legends 2014'.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Rather than intrude into Gary and Tony's thread, I'll post my pics here.
Although I arrived at the Fowlmere camp site on Saturday, and was able to see some of the display from there, I didn't actually go to the show until Sunday, when mixed weather, with a couple of very heavy rain storms, provided some nice backdrops for photography, whilst at the same time, making some exposures a bit on the tricky side.
Unfortunately, the weather in the UK, and on the Continent, caused some 'casualties' among the participating aircraft, with some 'socked in' across the Channel, and others grounded in the UK, both at Duxford and their 'home' airfields, particularly on Sunday. Among these were both Ju52s, the 'Red Bull' P-38, and the Morane Saulnier, plus a few others.
But, given the poor weather, the show was superb, with some 'acts', such as the Hellcat, providing some fantastic last-minute 'stand-in' displays, whilst others, the 'Red Bull' B-25 and the Norwegian Dakota in particular, cavorting around the sky as if they were single-engine fighters.
I'll be posting a selection of shots, in no particular order, covering some of the ground activities, the flying displays, and a few 'atmospheric, arty-farty' pics, as the thread progresses.
So, to start, here's the beautiful Breitling Super Constellation, which caused a bit of a stir, and the line of people waiting to have a look around inside her was, at one time, over 200 yards long!


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Thanks very much chaps.
Here's a few odds n' sods, with a 'Spitfire Parade' to follow next.


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And the 'Spitfire Parade'.
With twelve Spitfires on the field, including four Mk1s, but excluding the BBMF example, they featured heavily in displays throughout the day. This first batch is mainly the Mk1s and MkIIs, with a few others thrown in, and there'll be more from later in the show, as the thread progresses.
To see the original, early Spitfires take to the sky and fly in formation was really something, and the 'tail chases', with various Marks, later in the day were wild !
More Spits to follow, before moving on to a varied selection of other types.


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Love the Constellation Terry, brings back many memories of the old Ace Freighters machines chartered by the RAF, spent many an hour sweating my gut fitting them out in Aden.

As for all those Spitfires, the purring of so many merlins, music to the ears. Great shots my friends.
Thanks very much chaps.
A little more Spitfire Porn, before moving on to other stuff ................ more Spits later though!


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Thanks Peter, glad you like them.
In keeping with the wet conditions, here's some nautical stuff, with the Corsair, Hellcat, Bearcat and the Wil .... that other thing.


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