Airplane in Old Navy Commercial?

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Senior Airman
Feb 16, 2019
Can someone identify the airplane in the Old Navy kid's clothing TV commercial?

Single radial engine biplane, ring cowling, appears to have a gun in each upper wing? I feel as though I should recognize it, but biplanes aren't my field.

Solved! See Pat's answer here: Airplane in Old Navy Commercial?

Your next mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the source photo!

(I was very, very mistaken about the ring cowling ...)
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without a link I would not have the foggiest, and unless you can find someone who does not tune out commercials I guess that your chances of a good answer are low
It might be Photoshop, but it's certainly not CGI. OK, the prop is an animation with the hub in the wrong place (because of cropping), but that's obvious.

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