yeah it does but as you can see in the video people dont care about the weather. All they care about is the aircraft and the show. Its still on and opening day is tommorrow. Depending on weather I will be there at 6:00 am Monday morning and well I have no clue on when I will leave. Should be a great time. I drove out there yesterday and saw the Japanese zero sitting in a hanger. The supreme seafire is here along with other warbirds. Im itching to get on the grounds rain or shine including every one in that video.
Well today is opening day, Im leaving now. Here is a neat shot from one of the 24hr camera's they have around the airshow. I just took a snap shot from the camera. Should be a gorgous day.
Well here you go, Im plum tired and well this is only day 1. As of right now Im looking at going back for 2 more days. The field are a mess due to all he rain. Talked with a few people and they are having trouble finding places that are dry for all the aircraft. They had 21 DC3/ C-47's fly in at one time. They wanted more but where told to stagger there incoming as they needed more field space to dry out. The first picture is all the food and drink we took along before the ice was added.
Eric, You will have to make the trip some year. You would not beleive the upgrades this year. I hardly reconized the place. The fly market has a new area with roads. The warbirds area has new buildings and new memorial as in one of the pictures. Just a ton of new stuff. As for the grounds drying out its going to take some some. Aircraft are all over the place but its amazing the stuff people have come togeather to help make it another great year.
Thanks for the pics Paul...really depressed I'm not there !!!!. I love that Oshkosh week, more 'planes than you could shake a stick at, more stuff to see and do that would take at least month to complete, great people (all 800,000 of you) and with a love of aviation. any more pics ? if I didn't know the answer
Thanks Gary, Here are a few to tie you over. I should have a few more today once I get home. Its at 4:00 already and Ive been up since 4:00. Have to start loading up the car again for another trip. Going solo today as my wife and son had enough. Guess Im a die hard considering Im sore already from all the walking. Today is Maximum effort for the DC-3/C-47's so hoping to get some good shots. Yesterday a pack of 21 flew in at the same time. Should be interesting.
Well here you go guys a few more. Turned out to be a short day for me as I had some things I had to get done today because of a storm front supposedly coming in.