Airventure 2013

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Aug 21, 2006
After today one more day and Airventure is here, starting to get ready for it. Looks like I will be out there most of the week
Been keeping an eye on the EAA's facebook page...really shaping up to be a great event this year. Sadly, I can't go but I'll be following the EAA and friends on FB...

Have fun Paul and we'll be looking forward to all the photos!
Thanks guys, so far it looks like great weather for a airshow, suppose to be in the 70's to 80's F so that's not to bad
Well its finally here, Its 5:00 am here and I am getting ready to go to Oshkosh for Day 1 to the public. Should be an awesome day.
Here you go, Day one for me. Started out very cloudy but then later in the day the sun came out.

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Great stuff Paul !
Is that first one a 'Texan II'? Very like the Embraer 'Tucano' and the Pilatus PC-21.
BTW, if you want to improve the 'brightness' of those photos taken in dull conditions, you can do so by using the 'Gamma correction' facility in 'Irfanview'. I've had to use that facility on the photos from the two Cosford shows, due to using the wrong settings on the camera!
Looking forward to the next lot.
Thanks Terry, not sure on the first one, I will have to look it up but it sure looked mean.

Couple of more as you can tell Terry the sun got better :O) By the way that was paint they where using on the C-47 LOL
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Terry Paul, according to the EAA's page, that first aircraft Terry asked about is a Beechcraft AT-6

Captioned above thier photo of it as it was aproaching the ramp yesterday:

Great shots Paul, keep 'em coming!

By the way, think we should add the AT-6's photo to Chris' "Sharkmouth" thread?
Man, I envy you guys that live close to events and museums. Great shots Paul. Had I known that there was a Ventura there, I would have asked for some tail de-icer boots photos. And Terry, where might this Gamma option thingee be in Irfanview?

Man, I envy you guys that live close to events and museums. Great shots Paul. Had I known that there was a Ventura there, I would have asked for some tail de-icer boots photos. And Terry, where might this Gamma option thingee be in Irfanview?



This is day one of 7 for the EAA, I have a week pass so I will be out there most of the remaining 6 days so if its there tomorrow I will see what I can do for photo's of the tail. Any one else say now as I will look at this before I head out tomorrow.

All the best

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