All are taken with the new SLR (Nikon D3100), at RAF Valley - Long nose are Hawk T.2 and short are the older T.1s
I was just messing with shutter speeds etc today, trial and error really. Had to edit a few as they were a little out of focus...but otherwise happy with the results.
Let me know what you think, and as usual, thanks for checking
Went to Aber Falls today, nursing a hangover from dissertation hand in drinks. Got a few decent ones, again, just trying different settings and going through trial and error...
Cheers guys, I was really happy with how they turned out
Went up to a place called Pen yr Ole Wen this morning, and over to Carnedd Dafydd, mistaking it for Carnedd Llewelyn where there's some wreck left of a Lincoln. Obviously, I found nothing and only when I got home found I'd marked the wrong blo*dy place! Lesson learnt. Double check your map work in future.
Walked down to a lake called Ffynnon Lloer, and managed to take my only decent - ish photo...
Apparently there is Canberra wreckage down there, again, I found nothing - I have a feeling someone may have moved/taken some of the wreck as I was stood in the exact spot a photo of some was taken. Or maybe I'm just no good at wreck hunting!?