"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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The military arent the experts in this, most work in the north sea below water is now don by ROVs (remote operated vehicles) A small submarine on an umbilical. There are lots of them, when I was in Scotland, a guy in my guest house had just booked himself on a training course to us them. Any state or rich person can get hold of a trawler and an ROV, if you can get hold of explosives, you are in business, it doesnt take a huge blast to put a hole in a pipeline. RJE Oceanbotics™ SRV-8 ROV | Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle
One goes to work and you guys put quite a show here!

Any one knows how many russian trolls lurks in the forum?

Goodness. The Kremlin's propaganda ministry had better get some FSB re-education goons off to the state TV station pronto. Clearly the commentors have lost the plot.


So it's true that the mobilization aims for the million men, that the russians themselves think that they have a moraly corrupt society that have a million of paedophiles and other nasty criminals under any rock, that minorities are good only for cannon fodder and that if you have connections you can skip mobilization.

All in prime time.

Good for the old lad to unmask the presentar as the P.o.S. he is.

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