"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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The P-39 rules and the Mustang, FW 190 and Spitfire were rubbish!
Which mark of Spitfire?

Are you including Seafires?

The great thing about nuclear winter is that it will counter act any global warming. I don't think the positive of nuclear war has been talked about.

And in millions of years time, flowers will bloom again. A new Eden.
i like you will graduate in BA but i don't see the connection within BA and macroeconomics can you explain?

The connection between the administration of a business and macroeconomics? It should be obvious how they are connected. Everything about an economy and its condition has an effect on business. Where and when to expand? When to enter into a new market? Especially in international business which is what my masters specialization is. Macroeconomics deals heavily in the decision making of economics and how it impacts an economy. If you don't understand how a countries economic decisions (fiscal and monetary) impact an economy how can you make business decisions?

My MBA studies covered both macro and microeconomics. Macroeconomics interests me more though.

This is from Wiki because its simply easier to copy and paste it than fat finger it on my phone.

"Macroeconomics is branch of economics dealing with performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. For example, using interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy's growth and stability. This includes regional, national, and global economies.

Macroeconomists study topics such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), unemployment (including unemployment rates), national income, price indices, output, consumption, inflation, saving, investment, energy, international trade, and international finance."
Even if every nuclear weapon explodes the Earth will be fine.

Humanity gone. But Earth ok.

And millions of years later there will be new life with new stories.

So when Vlad pushes the button. Don't be sad. Just be thankful that new species and new life will grow again.

It will be glorious.
Even if every nuclear weapon explodes the Earth will be fine.

Humanity gone. But Earth ok.

And millions of years later there will be new life with new stories.

So when Vlad pushes the button. Don't be sad. Just be thankful that new species and new life will grow again.

It will be glorious.

Don't know about anyone else, but I've grown accustomed to breathing.
The connection between the administration of a business and macroeconomics? It should be obvious how they are connected. Everything about an economy and its condition has an effect on business. Where and when to expand? When to enter into a new market? Especially in international business which is what my masters specialization is. Macroeconomics deals heavily in the decision making of economics and how it impacts an economy. If you don't understand how a countries economic decisions (fiscal and monetary) impact an economy how can you make business decisions?

My MBA studies covered both macro and microeconomics. Macroeconomics interests me more though.

This is from Wiki because its simply easier to copy and paste it than fat finger it on my phone.

"Macroeconomics is branch of economics dealing with performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. For example, using interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy's growth and stability. This includes regional, national, and global economies.

Macroeconomists study topics such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), unemployment (including unemployment rates), national income, price indices, output, consumption, inflation, saving, investment, energy, international trade, and international finance."
it is a good answer
I've been following this thread from the beginning and have found it very interesting. Thanks to everyone for your contributions and for managing to keep it apolitical and (mostly) on track!

So how about this? Fast forward 6 months. Ukraine has fallen after much destruction and casualties on both sides. Zelenski is dead, a puppet government has been installed, and an oppressive police state exists that is brutally cracking down on all Ukraine resistance. NATO never got involved as there has been no incursion into other European arenas. Western sanctions remain in place and have been "maxxed out" to the extent that no further actions are possible. China has stepped in behind the scenes and backstopped Putin and his cronies financially so they can "get by" on their million dollar a week allowances, not to mention with some long-term payback agreed to. The Russian people are suffering but mass arrests continue to stifle protests. Putin hangs on. The vacuum created in the Russian economy has partially been alleviated with Chinese products and services. In the meantime, you are driving to the grocery store on $5/gal. gasoline to buy your $6 loaf of bread and $10 head of iceberg lettuce. Western populations are demanding action from their governments to do something about the rampant inflation. Opposition parties feed on the mayhem, blaming those in power for ruining our ways of life in order to position themselves for the landslide elections to come.

Ultimately, we get the regime changes but not the ones that we are presently hoping for.
I've been following this thread from the beginning and have found it very interesting. Thanks to everyone for your contributions and for managing to keep it apolitical and (mostly) on track!

So how about this? Fast forward 6 months. Ukraine has fallen after much destruction and casualties on both sides. Zelenski is dead, a puppet government has been installed, and an oppressive police state exists that is brutally cracking down on all Ukraine resistance. NATO never got involved as there has been no incursion into other European arenas. Western sanctions remain in place and have been "maxxed out" to the extent that no further actions are possible. China has stepped in behind the scenes and backstopped Putin and his cronies financially so they can "get by" on their million dollar a week allowances, not to mention with some long-term payback agreed to. The Russian people are suffering but mass arrests continue to stifle protests. Putin hangs on. The vacuum created in the Russian economy has partially been alleviated with Chinese products and services. In the meantime, you are driving to the grocery store on $5/gal. gasoline to buy your $6 loaf of bread and $10 head of iceberg lettuce. Western populations are demanding action from their governments to do something about the rampant inflation. Opposition parties feed on the mayhem, blaming those in power for ruining our ways of life in order to position themselves for the landslide elections to come.

Ultimately, we get the regime changes but not the ones that we are presently hoping for.


On the otherhand, let's suppose that the Ukraine pulls off Finland V2.0 and mires Russia down into a protracted guerilla war that becomes extremely unpopular at home.

The Ukranian people are a very determined people who have proven through history to be resilient in the face of adversity.

If Putin succeeds in murdering Zelensky, he will become a martyr and a rallying point that will Steele the Ukraine's resolve that much more.
I've been following this thread from the beginning and have found it very interesting. Thanks to everyone for your contributions and for managing to keep it apolitical and (mostly) on track!

So how about this? Fast forward 6 months. Ukraine has fallen after much destruction and casualties on both sides. Zelenski is dead, a puppet government has been installed, and an oppressive police state exists that is brutally cracking down on all Ukraine resistance. NATO never got involved as there has been no incursion into other European arenas. Western sanctions remain in place and have been "maxxed out" to the extent that no further actions are possible. China has stepped in behind the scenes and backstopped Putin and his cronies financially so they can "get by" on their million dollar a week allowances, not to mention with some long-term payback agreed to. The Russian people are suffering but mass arrests continue to stifle protests. Putin hangs on. The vacuum created in the Russian economy has partially been alleviated with Chinese products and services. In the meantime, you are driving to the grocery store on $5/gal. gasoline to buy your $6 loaf of bread and $10 head of iceberg lettuce. Western populations are demanding action from their governments to do something about the rampant inflation. Opposition parties feed on the mayhem, blaming those in power for ruining our ways of life in order to position themselves for the landslide elections to come.

Ultimately, we get the regime changes but not the ones that we are presently hoping for.

In the meantime, the Russians have to support a large occupation force to fight an insurgency, on an economy hamstrung by sanctions which you yourself acknowledge is only partly offset by Chinese support. The Chinese, by the way, aren't happy that the democracies have been awakened by Putin's gambit, and are more cautious in their dealings with him. I doubt they'll be handing out big doles to such a problem child.
I've been following this thread from the beginning and have found it very interesting. Thanks to everyone for your contributions and for managing to keep it apolitical and (mostly) on track!

So how about this? Fast forward 6 months. Ukraine has fallen after much destruction and casualties on both sides. Zelenski is dead, a puppet government has been installed, and an oppressive police state exists that is brutally cracking down on all Ukraine resistance. NATO never got involved as there has been no incursion into other European arenas. Western sanctions remain in place and have been "maxxed out" to the extent that no further actions are possible. China has stepped in behind the scenes and backstopped Putin and his cronies financially so they can "get by" on their million dollar a week allowances, not to mention with some long-term payback agreed to. The Russian people are suffering but mass arrests continue to stifle protests. Putin hangs on. The vacuum created in the Russian economy has partially been alleviated with Chinese products and services. In the meantime, you are driving to the grocery store on $5/gal. gasoline to buy your $6 loaf of bread and $10 head of iceberg lettuce. Western populations are demanding action from their governments to do something about the rampant inflation. Opposition parties feed on the mayhem, blaming those in power for ruining our ways of life in order to position themselves for the landslide elections to come.

Ultimately, we get the regime changes but not the ones that we are presently hoping for.

In most of the world, $5/gallon gas would be a significant price cut. Leaving that aside, an interesting side affect of sanctions against Russia is they produce 20% of the world's titanium, while China produces 45%. Kazakhstan and Ukraine produce about 10% and 4%, respectively. (Top Titanium Producing Countries).

It's telling that Putin is using the same sort of rhetoric to justify the invasion of Ukraine that Hitler used to justify the invasions of Poland and Czechoslovakia.
What's the point of armour on Russian tanks? MAPATS seem to slice right through them. NATO introduced HEAT-resistant Chobham laminated composite tank armour thirty years ago - where's the Russian equivalent?
Depends on where the tank was struck as well as the variant of tank, too.

Many of the tanks sent into the Ukraine are older and don't have the latest kontakt-5 reactive protection.

However, in the vid, the shot was broadside to the hull and looked like it was aimed low, where just about any AFV in the world would be at risk.

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