Americans are not #1

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I have a cousin that work receiving in the Airport foreign dove hunters here in Cordoba and he always tell me that the most nice people are the US hunters. They always try to comunicate even with the most simple local people who does not understand a word of english.

Even more, the europeans are not very favoured between the "Birdboys" ( people wich help the hunters carring, loading and cleaning shotguns, beside picking up dead doves) because the low or non-existent tips. :)
I agree with you completely. My post was not to imply that all Brits were bad tourists. I myself have never met a Brit I did not like.

You haven't met me yet!

I wouldn't say general stuff. But their are plenty of Americans in St Andrews both as tourists and students.

A good example is when a friend told me in a pet shop that an American student asked if he could toilet train his hamster.

Or the American tourist on a driving holiday who was lost because he came to Fife without a map and had only euros because that is what they use in Scotland.

You get idiots in evry country!
Here, you probably would be murdered/raped/hijack/robbed before I can say "welcome" :) :) :)


A work mate of mine went to SA a couple of years ago to trace the foots steps of his relitive who was at Roukes Drift and he said it was great.
No necklaces or anything not even an Assegai in the ear he sounded quite dissapointed, then he is quite weird.
I remember hearing all kinds of sh*t about the French before I ever visited France, but first time there I found them only to be nice people (The soldiers police are atleast :D ). Paris is where the snobs are.
Speaking about parisians, take a look at those commercials links in YouTube, le Parisien is a daily Paris area newspaper and they made a terrible campaign few time ago.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
The shorts stories are absolutly authentical, they were told to the producer of the clips. Each one ends with : The parisian, better meet him in the newspaper.
You may recognize somebody :)
Bon appetit with the one called "sanisette" !
I remember hearing all kinds of sh*t about the French before I ever visited France, but first time there I found them only to be nice people (The soldiers police are atleast :D ). Paris is where the snobs are.

I found the opposite. All the time I have been to Paris, I had a blast and everyone was very friendly to me (except in the Airport, the workers there are assholes!)

It was outside of Paris where I found the assholes.
It's funny how people have so different experiences with the same places, makes one think that perhaps you caught someone on a bad day ?? :D
Speaking about parisians, take a look at those commercials links in YouTube, le Parisien is a daily Paris area newspaper and they made a terrible campaign few time ago.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
The shorts stories are absolutly authentical, they were told to the producer of the clips. Each one ends with : The parisian, better meet him in the newspaper.
You may recognize somebody :)
Bon appetit with the one called "sanisette" !

Ha ha! :lol:

I also had the feeling a couple of times that they were laughing or swearing at you behind your back as you walked away after having asked for something whilst in Paris.

But this only happened in Paris for me, all other places the people were very polite and nice. We even got invited in by a an old french guy for drinks on the Bastille day, which was quite an experience.
We get a sh*t load of Germans, Belgium people, Dutch, Austrian people and people from other parts of the EU, but I have seen more German people. Oh and I got people from the middle east, very nice people to.

Not a lot of people from the US though, only those that came here for the Tacoma George sister city thing, most of them were @ssholes. Were not what they showed us.
A work mate of mine went to SA a couple of years ago to trace the foots steps of his relitive who was at Roukes Drift and he said it was great.
No necklaces or anything not even an Assegai in the ear he sounded quite dissapointed, then he is quite weird.

Been there for 7 months now and nothing happened to me yet (although I'm now in Oz)...

Still no real surprise the French are number one - but how many of those awful Frenchmen are Parisans...
SA a very beautiful place without all the sh*t and crime we have, but yes even Fifa think it might be better to hold the 2010 football cup somewhere else.
Canadians are extremely polite, down to earth and trustworthy, just what I like.

I realy never understood how my country can be first place
visited in the world, are tourists from other countries masochist ?
It remind me when i was living in Paris, i helped a young American girl to
find his way out from "Austerlitz railway station", i told her to follow me, she
does it ( about 5 meters behind me),she seemed to be frightened,maybe she
imagined i was looking for a quiet place to rape her !No rape later we where
outside and she finaly smiled, sometime i wonder if i'm realy French !

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