...and All is alright with the World.

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Last night I jumped down from a flat bed lorry ( semi trailer) and was quite pleased that I'm still flexible enough to do this... that was yesterday ( you can see where this story is going) today, I can hardly walk my right leg / knee is so painful.
I'm not one for sympathy, least of all to myself... yep, I am a silly sod

The upside is that, I didn't have time to get to the supermarket so tea here is 'if its'.... if its in the fridge we'll have it.

Luckily I have 48 rashers of bacon,kidneys, sausages, eggs, baked beans, mushrooms and hogs pud.

Its mixed grill time !! The two Labradors are now my constant companions and the Read drum is a happy place.
I haven't heard that term in years, but if memory serves me right, a "pud" was someting a frustrated schoolboy gave attention to. Like "spanking the monkey" but in this case "pounding the pud".

Oh the joys of the language barries, eh?

haha.. plus 'pulling your pud', which has two meanings. First taking the piss and second... you can guess I'm sure

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Lovely... er, I'll just book the defibrillator...

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