Another Attack on US Aviation!!!!

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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA

Submit your comments or start removing things from your hangars if your airport receives public funding - and that's for starters!!!

- No more autogas for STC'd aircraft
- No hangar dwellings or hanger living spaces
- No aircraft that could be assembled may be transported to an airport
- No "Thru Fence" airport access (No airport communities)
- No Non aviation related items to be stored in hangars

FAA issuance of a new Airport Compliance Manual with NO prior public comment.

Go to the FAA site and voice your opinions - this is a case of government arbitrarily taking away rights from aircraft owners and operators with no due process of the law!!!! Who ever wrote this trash and allowed it to be implemented needs to be removed from the FAA!!!!
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Pretty soon no more airplanes, unless you have the proper amount of carbon credits or posh government post.
Great Job Aaron!!!

Ya know the feds once balked about issuing an Airworthiness Directive against the Cessna 150 with only 25 responses to the "Notice of Proposed Rule Making." It doesn't take much to spook these SOBs. I hope many of our membership reads this and responds.
Jeez! OK, it doesn't affect us over here in the UK (yet!), but that is downright ludicrous! Some waste of rations staff person or persons who doesn't like aviation is in the wrong job by the sound of it! I think they need a kick up the jacksie and dragging into the real world - morons!
I don't get it, what's the point of the regulations beyond the power to tell people what to do.

If it is just a bs ruling from the FAA, I wouldn't worry too much about it. For starters, airplane owners tend to be a fairly independently minded bunch and usually, financially well off. A lot of them are lawyers. There in lies the problem. If you own a hanger at an airport and the airport has work done that is federally subsidised, it gives the govt no more title to tell you what to do than if they repave the road in front of your house.
More of the gubment trying to take away general aviation. Between this and the 100LL issues, I wonder how much longer these old warbirds will fly.
But it's for our own good, right? I mean the government knows best.

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