Another 'Gem' from Greg - just released.

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Other than casual viewing (mostly to see if informational posts get posted), I further refuse to give a damn about this thread until those terms are met. As I said, it's boring, I think those who had points to prove have proven them, and it's time to move on. I don't care how that's achieved at this rate.

I came here to learn primarily. When something goes against what I had come to know but it's presented in a factual, well-presented manner, I learn. I'm not learning nothing from the past couple of pages on here. I hope that this can be reversed, no matter how that comes about.

As for Greg, I do have to say, though, screw him until he learns to be open to learning and does so when confronted with well-researched facts and information. At least most here have gotten that concept.
It doesn't help that you keep bringing it up. I already asked to stop the discussion and go back to the original subject. So stop moaning and start acting please.
When I pressed Greg to be specific regarding names in the Bomber Mafia he was somewhat evasive and then named Arnold. Who are your nominees?

The Vision for an independent Service Arm, co-equal to Army and Navy was to build a Strategic Air Combat arm capable of destroying enemy Industrial capacity, while sill serving the needs of the Army with respect to Pursuit, Attack, Transport and Observation.

Ponder a 1939 Budget pre-Poland Invasion in which the Armed Services were extremely small and the budget by reuirement was very low. Then, in your mind's eye envision the leadership structure trying to control explosive growth in anticipation of engaging a war for which we (US) were woefully unprepared for.

Place yourslf as the critic, given full hindsight of the outcomes, of War Planners trying to plan and allocate priorities of a nation that 'can do anything- but not everything'. Your country is isolated frm Europe and Asia by watery logistical nigtmares for a foe to solve - if contemplating war with US. What priority for range for Pursuit do you see as desirable, recognizing that fuel fractions are the bane of performance attainment. I suspet command and control of the airspace over CONUS and a band offshore might even be your huckleberry.

Forget for the moment the fierce battles for favor by the Navy and Army for the President's ear and approval. What are your priorities for the AAC/AAF in November 1941? Remember that the 1939 priorities are being executed and the 1940 priorites are really just getting started.

Tell us what your agenda is (in Fy 40/41 for US Strategic Air Force (fledgling) for 1943?

Asst Secy War Lovett HAD the ear of Stimson AND the President AND General's Marshall and Arnold - and reported his findings during his tour of ETO/England in Spring of 1943. General Deloss Emmons, former equal (and well respected) of Arnold was quite clear that escort fighters all the way to the targets were essential for success of POINTBLANK. Bot recommended dispatching P38s and P-51s ASAP. Eaker pleaded with Arnold for Mustangs and Lightnings in June, 1943 - and Arnold responded by re-routing 20th and 55th FG to ETO and directing the soon to be equipped tactical FG's (P-51B) to 9th AF.

You are blaming Eaker (and by proxy rnold) for the unexpected resistance of the LW and the 'massive transfer' of experienced LW units from OST and SUD fronts to the Defense of the Reich beginning summer 1943. That is an intelligence failure coupled with over optimistic claims by 8h AF gunners which led Eaker to believe 8th AF could win a bloody war of attrition.

No need, Col (1940), B.Gen (1941), MGen (1942) Oliver Echols CO Materiel Command including Wright Field Development Ceter as well as AirService Command. He was stonewalled by Kindelberger when requesting NAA build P-40s for the Brits. There is ample evidence that he held a grudge to the extent that he fought Operational Requirements specific order to buy the A-36, was treated 'roughly', tried aain to kill Mustang production but was over-run with exedited priority for Merlin Powered Mustang prototype and once again, for continuation of Mustang with P-51A orders.

Echols also bought into the worst turkey ever ordered by Mat.Command - namely the XP-75 - to meet Arnold's demand for a Fighter with 1500 mi range and peformance equal to best in world (Dec 1940).

Flight Testing for Operational Suitabiity was peeled away from his hands and dispatched to Orlando and Eglin Fields - primarily because of the god awful issues incountered with P-47 and P-38 early in combat operations
To the above, think about a nation growing from 320,000 active duty military peronnel in 1938 to 13 million in 1944 and an unlimited budget with few adult supervisors to anticipate the battle requirements to win.
On topic. One of many things that worked against strategic bombing theory is the fact that aircraft reflect radio waves. We take this for granted today but the initial request from the Tizard committee in 1934 was to investigate the possibility of producing "death rays" or radio wave weapons which Germany was reported to have. From that request in 1934 to experiments in 1936 a working system started to be deployed in 1938. In 1940 it had been much improved and Dowding was optimistic but not certain it and his CAC system would work. 90 years after these events how much can US strategists be blamed for not knowing how future defences could and would be organised? In 1940 German RADAR tech was just as advanced as that of the UK possibly better but Goering and Kesselring didnt figure out exactly what they were up against or what to do about it in the BoB.
Now this is what I'm talkin' 'bout! And it's a lesson I sort of had to learn when I came here. Us in the here and now have the benefit of usually 20/20 hindsight. We can Monday Morning Quarterback (for those of us who aren't as well informed of the inner workings) and ask "why didn't this happen?" or "why didn't this happen sooner?"

Fact is that what is obvious to us now 80 or so years later, wasn't necessarily so obvious to those in the trenches back then. Not to mention that World War II was the dawn of air power as we know it. At the start, most people in charge didn't exactly know what it was, or how to exploit it. They had to learn, and often times that meant trial and error, as with the actual design of the aircraft themselves.

Things that we still take for granted today or are common knowledge today, was in its infancy in 1939. And the US was trying it's damnedest to stay out of direct involvement in World War II, or at least for as long as it possibly could, though by 1941, almost everyone knew that that time was basically running out.

And that's why I do come to this forum. I'm more interested in the technology and such of the aircraft, but that's just one facet of what made the successful (or not). That's why even the crappiest aircraft often does have an interesting story to tell, and why I'm interested also in infantry weapons, cars, etc. What made them successes, what made them failures, what made them in between. And it's usually not just one thing that's make or break.
Regarding weather effecting missions, here is an excellent thread by someone who was there in the ETO and sheds some light on the subject.

By the way, the thread's author, Bill, is greatly missed.

Yeah it was nice hearing his actual experiences.

Sadly the passage of time cannot be halted.
I note that he does not mention any thunderstorms.

I have found great value in some first hand accounts. A great interview, IMHO, is that of Mr. William Pennebaker who at one point talks about the difficulties of flying a constant IAS at different altitudes as the stream climbed having the effect of spreading out the formation and extending the time to form up. Realistic peace time training could have helped with these difficulties. Although he doesn't mention it here, I've seen videos of long lines of bombers que-ed up for takeoff, and it occurred to me that the ones at the back of the line, which would later be flying full throttle struggling to catch up due to the problem mentioned above, would also be burning the most fuel on the ground waiting to get to the runway.
E Engineman thats is indeed what they do. I am here quite some time, in years and so and have seen this happening. They work not with rules in stone or concrete. More as in common sense.

They are on the whole quite a good bunch.
I have seen things i do not agree with and have spoken out. Its there if you want to read it.

But there is not an instace, not one, those guys do not take a bit of criticism serious.
Now just give it a bit of time. I am sure they will do something with it.

And if you do not like a members response, there is an ignore function.
Does that mean that thunderstorms do not exist, and why does a weather system have to be a thunderstorm to cause a flight to divert?
I cant see how it is a point of dispute dispute. The allies expended a massive amount of effort on recon of all types to find out the weather conditions en route and at the target, the US wanted more Mosquitoes or that purpose. This was either because drinking too much afternoon tea had given them the British weather obsession or it was actually a serious and important issue that impacted all aspects of a mission. One thing not mentioned so far is wing icing, which I believe is much worse in some cloud conditions.
Does that mean that thunderstorms do not exist, and why does a weather system have to be a thunderstorm to cause a flight to divert?
Low visibility and clouds were much more of a problem in Europe, then as now, than thunderstorms. It is fair to say that "weather" caused a lot of problems in every phase of flight, but it was mostly due to the dependence upon airplanes of that time upon needing visual cues to do almost everything, and especially to do them with any degree of precision. The whole debate about TRW's is because that is one of the comments I chose to challenge, and have been challenged in return. Its emblematic of the way discussions go around here, and why (along with the time involved), I have chosen not to engage to some/most of those challenges. I'm aware of the horseshoe nail, and that professionals talk about logistics, but at some point a conclusion has to be reached. Constant bifurcation of each sub element of each element of each argument seems to me to be rather argumentative and non-productive. I described some of this to my 21 year old son at dinner last night, and he remarked that the more niche the topic in an online forum, the more pedantic that the participants seem to be. I was astonished at his observation, given what I have experienced here.

The part about faulty airspeed procedures causing the groups to be spread out starts in the 49th minute. He flat out says that no one thought of this problem previously. That tells me that in peace time they didn't do sufficiently realistic practice missions.

Edit: just read the comment re: icing. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly that given the location on the globe, icing would be much more of a concern in the EU than perhaps elsewhere. Having said that, most of the information I have seen regarding weather difficulties in WW 2 EU aviation revolves around visibility, in every phase really.
Severe weather, including heavy overcast (like the sort that grounded Allied aircraft during the German Ardennes offensive) can play a major role in how missions were conducted.

There's a wealth of reference material regarding T-storms on the forums, I just don't have time to hunt them all down.

I'm well aware of how weather effects flying in Europe. I have years of experience doing it over Germany. As I already stated in a previous post, it does not need to be a Thunderstorm to cause a diversion.

As for not performing sufficient practice missions, I don't think that is necessarily the case. strategic bombing was a relatively new thing, we were still figuring it out.

Why is challenging your challenge emblematic, nonproductive, or argumentative? It's not. That is how debate take place. Sometimes you come to an agreement, sometimes you don't. But without discussion, there is no opportunity.
Every 8th AF Bomb Group had it own designated form up area where the various Group boxes could form up before departing for the target area, when Groups would form into Wings and Divisions

Form up was aided by multi-coloured unarmed formation ships like these.


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