Aquarium Talk: Fish/Reptiles/Lizards/Insectivoids...

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One of these days i will get some pics of my tank up here,gotta break down and buy a digital cam though. i have a55 gal with 3 dempseys 1 tiger oscar 2 unidentified yet cichlids and a pleco thats about 12 inches long the thing is huge wish i could have live plants, the plastic ones only live for a daay or 2 then they get destroyed
My Red Devil has finally killed everything off in my 30 gallon.... He ate the last occupant, a Pleco, just recently.... He is freakin huge now, eating whole goldfish in one gulp.....

Mean SOB.....


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After i got done here last night caught my girlfriend feedin the oscar the thing loves steak ate 3 big peices right outta my hand! she feeds him all the time from her hand i didnt even know!!
gotta figure out how to blow this up

I edited the one shot and blew it up-- les


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What size tank is that he's in???

Very cool about ur gf feedin him like that.... Ive had several Oscars in the past.... Great fish, mild aggressive...

This Red Devil is responsible for the deaths of atleast 10 other fish, including a Pleco and 3 Oscars (Red, Tiger and Albino)....

What kinda fish kills a Pleco???

He finally had enough of the Green Terrors terrorizing, turned on him, locked jaws with him, and the duel began, swimming back and forth with each other....

After awhile, the Terror decided the Devil was too strong and turned tail....

His entire tail was gone within 6 hours....

I fished him out in the morning....

This Terror was Mean, and I mean MEAN.... He killed another 6 fish before his demise... The Devil is alot worse.... I cant put anything else in there with him..... I put a smaller Pleco in there with him 5 days ago and his tail is already beat to sh!t....

I put together a small 20 gallon for my Bride in the bedroom.... Basic set up with a bad choice in gravel.... Just threw 3 red eye mollys and 3 tiger barbs to check the enviornmental filter and what not, all is good....
Cool les like the idea of small tanks. my boy is in a 55 gal tank that peice of wood is 17 inches long to give you an idea my pleco is huge he smacks the oscar all the time for gettin too close
Deradler, would be fair to say that at least for small animals (like mice and rats), the fangs cause fatal damage to the animal even before the toxins can kick in?
Deradler, would be fair to say that at least for small animals (like mice and rats), the fangs cause fatal damage to the animal even before the toxins can kick in?

Depends on the size of the animal but most of the time no. There are some species of small rodents and squirrels in the United States that are immune to the venom of Rattlesnakes.

I just watched a neat documentary on it the other night. The rattlesnake was trying to get into a squirrels nest and the mother fought the snake off. The rattlesnake did get a bite on her and you could see the fang marks and all and she just shrugged it off.

Researchers in the United States are trying to figure out why it is immune and trying to possibly make a stronger anti venom by doing this research.

I just got finished feeding my snake (granted she has no venom or fangs, but several rows of needle sharp teeth). It was rather quick. It only took her about 30 seconds to find the prey, strike at it and kill it (by constricting it) and then about another 5 minutes to eat it. She is haning out in her tree now relaxing all fat and happy.

I will have to shoot some video next time and post it.

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