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You non-American people just dont understand do you Plan D???

Its a f*cking name!! Just because they have a rooster doesen't mean they are going to be hard although we kicked f*ckin asses at their own staduim!!!!

We understand alright. But we also laugh at YOU immensely. And that second sentence was complete dog. I made a slight joke about their team being roosters - y'know, the birds! Just picture it, 38, playing football with a bunch of roosters. My god you're stupid.
Living in Denver, the Broncos are living gods, but in my opinion highly over-rated. Last year Shannon Sharpe blasted the team saying that Jake Plummer was mediocre at best and Coach Shanahan was on borrowed time. They got pummeled by the Dolphins last week and just squeaked by the Chargers today. They play to the level of their competition, but to the fans here, they do no wrong.
Thats alright my 49ers got completly creamed. I guess I should have seen it coming but as a true fan I have to hope and pray and fantasize that my team will once again become great.

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