Argentine Navy and Army Images:

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Lochkeed "Electron".

A weirdy a/c of the navy. This was a comercial L-188 Electra originally used an liason and transport wich were converted in Elint and maritime patrol with SLAR , FLIR, several GPS and radar signal recording apparatus.

The name "Electron" was something amusing, a Electra wich want to became a Orion.

The Electrons were based in the Vicealmirante Zar airbase in the Province of Chubut, deep patagonia. Eventually those were retired from service in 1997 when "real" Orions were bought by the Armada.

Some years ago I had posted this pictureof the 1982 war: for many years I thought that KC-130 was out of service for good, but some days ago I ve found this one of an combined exercise in 12 september 2011...

believe it or not is the same aircraft as in 1982, after an small refurbishing in 2009 is still in service....God bless those C-130 Hercules designers for their great job.
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believe it or not is the same aircraft as in 1982, after an small refurbishing in 2009 is still in service....God bless those C-130 Hercules designers for their great job.

I share your sentiment. Long ago I flew in and jumped out of the them, and it was reassuring to know I was in a great aircraft. They sure do take a lickin and keep on tickin! I wonder if the Herc will last longer than the BUFF. Thanks for the great photo! Are those Etendards getting fuel?
This is not exactly aviation, but they are somewhat rare photos, cutting and refurbising an SSK (engine change, electronics, new torpedo tubes), this is the ARA San Juan, the work started in 2009 and was recently finished

New UAV for the Army, The Carancho ( somewhat predator copy isnt ?)


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The Last of the Line.

Today the Army announced they will be retiring from service the last operative OV-1D Mohawks in 2012. The argentine Mohawk were the last of the line in any military service around the world. Argentina bought 24 in 1992 an all served in the 601th Scout batallion. A nice plane but eventually we knew it going to happen.


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never had much to do with the mohawks, but they are an aircraft Ive always been fascinated by....I would have thought they have overl;apping roles with the Pucara.

Ditto on the sub picks. It looks to me that the Argentines have put oversized props on their SSKs similar to our Collins class

Different missions, althought I know that some Mohawks were used with rocket launchers in vietnam, the main purpose is photographic and radaric recoinassance and that is the use (Elint too) in the Argentine Army. The Pucara IA-58d in the other hand serves the Air force and is employed and and scout, strike and narco-aircraft interceptor, this last one a role almost unique for south american scenarios. There has been some exercises and operations of the both types togheter, specially to detect movements and infitrations of smugglers, drug trafficker in the northern border with Bolivian and Paraguay. Here a photo of 2009. It would be nice to have Pucaras in the Army but that is likely to never happen.


Submarines difinately are not my bag but the propellers look like a fancy bronze alloy isnt ?


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Used to see them every day when I was a kid growing up. The had Mohawks in my dad's unit. I always have a fond spot for the Mohawk for some reason.
Nice sub, is a bit larger than our TR-1700s, almost 11 meters but there are not so much differences in weight.

TR-1700 class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Used to see them every day when I was a kid growing up. The had Mohawks in my dad's unit. I always have a fond spot for the Mohawk for some reason.

I think it was overshadowed by other types, even our modest pucara is more famous that this recce bird but is a quite useful and is you ask me, beautiful aircraft.


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Thanks, some artillery now, This look like Iraq, but actually are the 155mm TAM self-propelled Howitzer in exercises on the Patagonian Desert.


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