B-17 Restoration

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Hello everyone,

I am sending out the feelers to see if anyone would like to contribute some writing to a book I am putting together to help with donations for the B-17 restoration going on at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino, CA. I have a group of photographs of Warbirds, vehicles, people and places that I have taken, and would like to publish a coffee table book. However, my level of knowledge regarding some of the Warbirds lacks in detail. It might be best served coming from more informed contributors. Whether it be a description of the actual aircraft or a story about the particular aircraft, tech specs, battles etc... might be fun to do. The amount of writing would be minimal (a couple paragraphs for each photo) so don't need any Hemmingway's here.

Also, it would be a terrific group effort to make a contribution to this worthy cause.

I have a few sample spreads of the layout if anyone would like to see. Apparently I can't upload a pdf to the forum (?). The book is 65 pages so far. I have a full pdf of the entire book in progress also, if anyone wants to see.

email me at [email protected] if you are interested.


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