B-17 Underbelly Color.

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Just like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe drive. I've got chorizo, jalapeño and corn as an add in to the regular stuffing as well. As to the bomber I just got lazy is all. I have been working on the wheel well openings on one of the nacelles. I haven't got the other wheel nacelle planked yet so it has been slow going lately. I just enjoy cooking for the family so that's what I got going for now. So everyone enjoy and make merry and be safe, Thebuilderofthings.
Popped in to let you know it's been slow going here. Just one of many blatant periods of laziness. I have gotten one wheel well cut out and am in the process of installing the landing gear in this nacelle. Photos will eventually follow once enough progress has been made. Joanne is putting the finishing touches on the tree as I speak ( so to speak ) and she asked what I might want for the holidays. Well.... I says to her, it flys, ( she didn't flinch ), it's big, ( she still didn't flinch ), okay.... it's bigger than the B-17, ( she raises an eyebrow ), "How big is it sweetheart" she asks? "Well.... I don't think this one will fit in my Z3, or for that matter in your car either. " HOW BIG IS IT SWEETHEART!? Well she did ask as I recall didn't you? It's got a 212" inch wingspan! There, are you happy, do you still love me, am I still good looking, am I great in bed etc, etc... This is the season to get your jollies right? Just roll with me. So it's a Tu-95 Bear. Just the set of plans mind you. Well I've got to cut this short folks. I'll be back with more shortly. You all take good care now, Thebuilderofthings
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Is it one of these?

Welcome to WingSpan Models

That's quite a project even with fall-together laser-cut kits. Having seen quite a few of these it seems it's a matter of coming close and being happy with that is the usual faire. I've never seen two birds with similar OD schemes, either. Some are pristine, factory fresh looking and others are highly weathered. The builders I spoke with took color chips to Home Depot to have their paints blended - acrylic latex - which told me either the chips were inaccurate (in some instances) or the color blending computer at Home Depot wasn't seeing well that day.

Are you going with gas or nitro power? The bird I have going together will be electric. Have fun.
Well, while I have this on hold indefinitely I have picked up on something else less time consuming. Though this project has nothing to do with WWII aircraft, it does fly.
Well, while I have this on hold indefinitely I have picked up on something else less time consuming. Though this project has nothing to do with WWII aircraft, it does fly.

Hi everyone. It has been a long, long time since I've reported anything concerning this build and I must say at this time things are in the air. I have gotten involved in amateur rocketry with a recent acquisition of a 1/48th scale Apollo rocket. I have yet to start on this yet at over seven ft. tall, it is a rather large flying model.

My bi-polar disorder has played a tremendous role in my putting things off. It is a shame at this point as I blame only myself for this lackadaisical behavior. I do not know when I'll ever continue or not. Nevertheless, I have held on to everything I have put into the model as you see. I'm not ready to give this up yet. Though it's up to who knows what may happen.

I want all of you to know that I have enjoyed your unconditional support and interest throughout this build and just maybe, I might continue on. Damn, this is such a wonderful site!!
Peace, love and Bobby Sherman. : )
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Hi guys, it's me, Thebuilderofthings. My B-17G has been put on hold indefinitely as I began other interests including mid and high power rocketry. I have been doing a build of a 1/24th scale Mercury Redstone on another site. Afterwards, I plan on building a 1/48th scale Saturn V that I have laying around. Both of these will fly.
The Mercury Redstone I'm working on is found right here: Sheri's Mercury Redstone. Apparently, I bounce around with my hobbies with the frequency of a radio station. Perhaps you good folks might be interested in this aspect of my life and judge for yourselves concerning what I've done. It's really nice to be back on here as it had been a great time with many fine fellow modelers to chew the fat with. I have been going bouts with my bi-polar disorder for quite some time and interests drop like flies.
When I'm feeling better, I get back into things and start chatting with good people that I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and BS with. Trust me, I have never forgotten this forum! I'd like to get back in touch with you folks and have some merriment once again.
These are the instructions to the building of two of these 1923 Model T Stake Bed Trucks that I may use on my Z scale train layout. More so out of gaining experience in working with such a scale than anything else.
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Lately, I have been working on a 1/48th scale flying Saturn V. This will fly on a single reloadable motor system using a J275W motor. It will recover on three 5 ft. in diameter chutes ( one for the upper section and two on the lower section). While the model was essentially a kit, it had some quality issues to address that are in the link I have provided. I have gone further and decided to add additional detail that never came with the kit such as antennae, access panels, umbilical connectors and fill and drain vents. What is coming from all this looks impressive even to me. I'm at the stage where all wooden parts save one already have four coats of sealer on them.
Hope you enjoy.

Your post doesn't really belong here Steven. You should start a new thread. Go to the Modeling Section under the Forums page. Go to the Modeling subsection and hit the blue square on the right side that says Post New Thread then go from there.


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