Just a little side track note here. One of the fiberglass cowls I had mentioned in the very beginning of this thread as you receive them from the manufacturer. They already have the panel lines and cowl flaps molded in. Notice the big shiny divot about the size of my thumb. Each one of these cowls has them. Not to mention a nasty joint line as you can see going right through the center.
And now after an initial sanding with 80 grit. I'm not shy when it comes to this stuff. When you want to get the rough stuff done quick you go for the 80 grit I say. Gets the job done right now!! No messin' around! Takes a tedious task and cuts the time in half it does! You can still see where some of the filler remains. And of course, there'll be more filling to do followed by 220 then 320 grit.