B-25 weapons thread (1 Viewer)

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Thanks David, you might find this interesting as I did, it has the bomb bay doors modified to carry a pair of 4.5 inch rockets for a B-25. Kind of reminds me of the James Bond type stuff. Nothing like a little extra forward fire power by opening the bomb bays with a pair of rockets. Added manual for 4.5 inch rockets for aircraft as well located under the pictures. Another interesting set of pictures of a rotary system tested on a B-25 with these rockets. Pictures from the book B-25 The Ultimate Look by William Wolf.



  • 4.5 inch Aircraft rocket.pdf
    3.6 MB · Views: 181
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The wing mounted 5 inch rocket where mounted on the wings compared to the 4.5 in the previous thread. Also found the drawing for the special rack used to suspend the 2000 pound bomb in the bomb bay for the B-25. Source on that is a Russian B-25 manual.


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Chart says it all, bomb load out with partial fuel tank in bomb bay with bombs.


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Interesting picture from the book WarPath, A story of the 345th Bomb group. Any one see or know about more pictures like this one. The camera was used to take pictures after the B-25 flew by there strafing runs for damage assessments.

Thanks in advance

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Stug3 that is actually the tail turret of a B-24 bomber and as far as I know never installed on a B-25. The B-24 in the picture is from the aircraft WitchCraft of the Collings Foundation. Link below to a different angle of the aircraft.


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