Basic "Instant" Diorama Construction by Pisis

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
Basic Diorama Construction by Pisis


Today I created my very first dioaram. It is for my just finished P-51B Mustang in 1/72nd scale. The plane was flown by a famous 'Flying Tiger' ace Colonel Dave Lee "Tex" Hill in Kunming, China in 1945.

The creating of such a dio is very simple. All you will need is:

1) The model to be placed there :)D)
2) A classic frame for pictures
3) Some fake terrain (grass, stones, trees, chips, etc... depends on the Theatre of Operation)
4) Shrap scissors or a scalpel knife
5) A double sided sticky tape

step 1)
Demount the picture frame. It will contain the frame itself, the front glass and the backside tough quarto paper.

step 2)
Take the quatro paper and stick the sticky tape all over one side

step 3)
Remove the second side safety cover. Now it should have a very sticky surface.

step 4)
Now take your fake terrain proprieties and simply pour or place them on the surface depending on your will.

step 5)
Now mount the quatro paper back to the frame and you're set! Simply arrange the objects as you need and you're done! :D


This is my very first dioarama and if you take in mind it was done within some 10 minutes, it isn't bad, I think. All the plane, the pilot figure and the base needs some improvement but the basic view is already there, I suppose.


lesofprimus said:
Next time, try using a larger picture frame and doing alittle more scenery to ur diorama....

I bought three of this size frames, all of them for 1/72 models (or for the 1/35 IDF paratroopers I'm working on...) just for trial... I'll certainly get deeper into creating dio's. Those days back, when I was a kid, I made a huge (0,5 x 0,3 m) dios - one was the Battle for Berlin (with Pzkpf's, T-34s, tens of objects, burned wagon, lamps, soldiers...) and one was a forest scenery with US Army "Calamity Jane" Amoured Track... It wasn't on a very high technique level but it was pure in imagination.... Both are lost now (i threw them away along with my other cdrappy models during our multi-time moving...)
Im in the process of doing a Beaufighter (while I wait for my Stringbag rigging to arrive) and I want to hang it on the wall so somthing like your Idea Pisis may be the solution.

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