Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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Yeah the P-38 was a great aircraft too, I am just not fond of the design I dont like aircraft that like that but that does not change the fact that it was a good aircraft.
i reckon the mossie looked loads better than the P-38, but that's just a matter of opinion and the mossie Vs. P-38 debate's happening in most topics now so we wont start it here..............
It has no character! The Spit had character, the Lancaster had characted, the P-38 had character because of its unique looks and hell, even the Brewster Buffalo has character because it was so bad! The mossie has NO redeeming feateres in terms of styling.

Mossie = characterless 8)
I think the mosquito was quite a good looking aircraft. The Bv-155 did not make any major impacts or anything because only prototypes were flown but I think if it had been mass produced it could have been a big threat to bombers. The Bv-155 is quite interesting looking too and pretty stylish as cheddar likes to call aircraft.

Type: High-Altitude Interceptor
Origin:Blohm undVoss, Abt. Flugzeugbau
Models: A &B
First Flight: September 1, 1944
Service Delivery: None
Final Delivery: None

Type: DB 603A with TKL 15 turbocharger
Horsepower: 1,450 hp at 49,210 ft. (15,000m)

Wing span: 20.5m (67 ft. 3 in.)
Length: 12.00m (39ft. 4½ in.)
Height: 2.98m (9 ft. 9½ in.)
Wing Surface Area: N/A
Empty: 10,734 lb. (4870 kg)
Maximum: 13,262 lb. (6016 kg)

Maximum Speed: 429 mph (690km/h)
Initial climb: N/A
Range: 895 miles (1440km) at high altitude
Service Ceiling: N/A

Heavy groups of 15, 20 or 30mm cannon proposed

Design originally started by Messerschmitt as a carrier fighter for the Graf Zeppelin but was developed as a pin-point bomber after the carrier was once again shelved. Eventually the design was given to Blohm und Voss to relieve the already overloaded Messerschmitt.


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Germany was not able to produce turbo-chargers in WWII. They could get one or two to work (no telling how many bad fan units to do it), but even these were not reliable. Mass-production was not feasable given the state of their machining industry.

Also, the huge radiators out on the wings would make huge drag and the plumbing to reach so far out onto the wing just makes the plane that much more vulnerable.



You maybe thats why the Ta-152 got the not for production and the 155 didnt...

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