Best Fighter (1 Viewer)

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Hot Space
Best all round fighter of WW2 : Focke-Wulf 190 , all marques (includes TA152 / 153).

2nds, Me 109 (all marques) ; Spitfire (all marques) ; Mustang ; Corsair ; Ki-61 Hien ; Zero ; Hurricane (all marques) ; Tempest ; Yak 9d ; Macchi C.202 / 205 ; Fiat G.55 ; Reggiane Re 2002-2005 ;



why thankyou 8) id like to see an example of my intelligence though 8)
The remarks you made on the Gladiator page were pretty intelligent (i'm afraid i'm slightly biased though )

But if you're into this kinda stuff you're obviously an intelligent kinda guy, the same as the rest of us otherwise you'd just be talking b******* the whole time wouldn't you? [/quote]
I don't really think it matters at all what the bloody bombers LOOKED like, it could be the ugliest plane on the planet (Like the Avro Lancaster for instance ) and still do its job!

In fact, if the Italian aircraft manufacturers paid more attention to performance rather than looks (shock, horror) they might have actually built a few decent aircraft

P.S before i get any hate-mail, that stab at the Lancaster was a joke! I love the old bird too

good save at the end there
I don't really think it matters at all what the bloody bombers LOOKED like, it could be the ugliest plane on the planet (Like the Avro Lancaster for instance ) and still do its job!

i think the He111 is decidely more ugly than the is the Grief..the Whitley..Hampden..the B24...put the Lanc in amongst those and she is a pin up girl 8) IMHO i think the Lanc has classic lines(as of corse the b17 )it looks extremely purposeful .

Regards the best fighter..flippin heck...too many choices..all in different theatres ..different time periods.If i had to go back and i had a choice..the spit would be my choice..what model would depend on what time period-the fw190 series is superb too as is the 109 and also the Hurricane..and yeah the mossie is a sweet thing.

first england sucks second i think the p -51 d mustang was the best because it was the fastest built propeller plane at that time with a top speed of 448 mph second. how could you pick the the hurricane the armer on those planes are week you were easly shot out of the shy ps im 71 i was shipped two england in ww2 i flew the hurricane i sent back to the us in 1944 the sent me to the phillapenes on air base i flew th p-51d mustang i shot down 15 enemy air planes in the philapenes and in england i shot down 12 geman planes .

poor ole Hurri she was a lovely plane and without her the BoB was a lost i think she at least deserves a mention in the dispatches 8) and also the fact that it flew to the end- and had a huge hand in the north african campaign ..was launched from ships amongst many different endeavours.It was an immensly rugged airframe that pilots learnt to trust and love ..and that in itslef puts it on the list.
The Hurricane is easily overlooked..the old girl produced a lot of aces and is only forgotten (By some)for reason of the sweet lines of the Spit and the myth that it won the battle of the britian ..and if you claim to be who you are im sure you would not have started your sentence how you did.


Not really, M8. The Spit XIV was just as fast and so was the Tempest V and the Spit PR XIX could do 460m.p.h

Hot Space
The Hurri was a damn fine machine. It was, unlike the Spit or FTM the P51-D a multi-role machine. There was little the Hurri could not do and do well. Unlike the Spit it could take enormous punishment and keep flying, it was NOT a fighter in the same class as the Spit but, rather like the SE5A in WW1, was a fine machine overshadowed by a true dogfighter's plane.

As well read what the site I got the pictures from has to say about the hurri.

Interestingly enough those who flew BOTH spits and Hurris generally have a soft spot for the Hurricane.


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