Best Mig-21MF Model?

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Master Sergeant
Aug 1, 2011
So I've been doing some research and am almost ready to place a bid on a Mig-21MF but I thought I'd ask in this forum first to see what the experts say.

It'll turn out as a Yugoslavian Mig-21MF (most likely Lift Here Decals) I know academy does a kit (which isn't all that accurate) but there are a couple on ebay with aftermarket parts thrown in to spruce it up to par that don't seem bad atm.

In your opinion what Mig-21MF model company does the best job? I'm open to any scale really, but 1/32 is pretty much out since I don't have the space for it :(

If the model companies don't do a good job on Mig-21MF what would you guys consider the 'best" Mig-21 out of the other variants. (keep in mind I'll try to make it a Yugo. bird :D)

Best overall, value, fit, accuracy, details etc?

I'm eyeing a 1/48 Academy kit with extra details and a 1/72 Fujimi but I want to be sure which one is "the best" out of all the brands before going in on a bid.

Thanks for the input guys :) (I'm opening threads like crazy, 2 in a couple days :S, I have 2 many questions :D)

P.S. So far the kits I've found range from Eduard, Fujimi, Academy, and some other brands.
To one of the ops can you guys delete one thread? Sorry for the double post but I went to edit the thread and it opened another one up :S
Nothing wrong with the Academy 1/48th scale MiG kits either. Might need a tiny bit of 'tweaking' here and there, but look the part when built. As they used to say on a well-known British TV programme, "Here's one I made earlier ..."


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Thanks all for the replys, I was leaning towards the Academy (since its cheap) but when you add up all the aftermarket silly stuff to fix the fin etc it ends up being like a Eduard kit :D

Any more input is greatly appreciated :)
We didn't have all that many MF's you know. Most numerous version was MiG-21bis (still in service in Serbia and Croatia today in fact). As I lean toward 1/72nd scale myself, I would recommend a Zvezda MiG-21bis kit. Reasonably accurate and not expensive.
I'm glad I didn't decide to go with the Mig-23 (they weren't ours but we did test fly 1) The bis is pretty much a Academy MF since the tail fit the bis almost exactly :D

but we do have a lot of options in a Yugo. Mig so it doesn't have to be a MF, could be a bis as you sugested Igor, or a PFM, U etc

I think that Zvesda kit is excellent value, thank you for the input Igor :)
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...but we do have a lot of options in a Yugo Mig so it doesn't have to be a MF...

That we do mate. Here are some details regarding Yugoslav MiG-21s...

Depending on the source Yugoslav AF (Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvo - JRV) operated 265 (273) MiG-21 aircraft. According to different sub-versions the numbers would look something like this:

MiG-21f-13 (Type 74) Fishbed-C (JRV designation L-12)
Years in service: 1962 - 1980
JRV serial numbers: 22501 – 22541
Number of a/c in service: 41

MiG-21U (Type 66-400) Mongol-A (JRV designation NL-12)
Years in service: 1965 - 1991
JRV serial numbers: 22901 – 22903
Number of a/c in service: 3

MiG-21U (Type 66-600) Mongol-A (JRV designation NL-12M)
Years in service: 1965 -1994
JRV serial numbers: 22904 – 22918
Number of a/c in service: 15

MiG-21PfM (Type 94A) Fishbed-F (JRV designation L-14)
Years in service: 1967 - 1994
JRV serial numbers: 22701 – 22736
Number of a/c in service: 36

MiG-21R (Type 94R) Fishbed-H (JRV designation L-14i)
Years in service: 1968 - 2004
JRV serial numbers: 26101 – 26112
Number of a/c in service: 12

MiG-21US (Type 68 ) Mongol-B (JRV designation NL-14)
Years in service: 1970 - 1997
JRV serial numbers: 22951 – 22957
Number of a/c in service: 7

MiG-21M (Type 96) Fishbed-J (JRV designation L-15)
Years in service: 1971 - 2009
JRV serial numbers: 22801 – 22825
Number of a/c in service: 25

MiG-21MF (Type 96F) Fishbed-K (JRv designation L-15M)
Years in service: 1972 - 2001
JRV serial numbers: 22865 – 22870
Number of a/c in service: 6

In 1984 6 MFs and 4 Ms were modified to recconaisance role receiving JRV designation L-15i.

MiG-21UM (Type 69) Mongol-B (JRV designation NL-16)
Years in service: 1976 -
JRV serial numbers: 1616(?) – 16185
Number of a/c in service: 27

MiG-21bis SAU (Type 75B) Fishbed-N (JRV designation L-17K)
Years in service: 1977 -
JRV serial numbers: 17101 – 17112, 17120, 17125(?) – 17136, 17151 – 17171
Number of a/c in service: 49

MiG-21bis LAZUR (Type 75A) Fishbed-L (JRV designation L-17)
Years in service: 1977 -
JRV serial numbers: 17201 – 17235, 17401 – 17410 (delivered in 1982)
Number of a/c in service: 45
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Thank you all for the help, I picked this up today (along with 3 other kits:D ) They shouldn't let me into the hobby shop next time or I might buy all their stock :S


I think I'll make it into a bis, it seems from all the reviews that the Italeri MF is just a Academy re-boxing (since the Academy kit is more a bis than a MF), so Yugoslav. bis it is :D when I get the chance to do it :D You guys can all thank Terry's awesome MF that kinda sealed the deal for me :D
Nothing wrong with the Academy 1/48th scale MiG kits either. Might need a tiny bit of 'tweaking' here and there, but look the part when built. As they used to say on a well-known British TV programme, "Here's one I made earlier ..."

Really!? How did the windscreen not whistle like a witch with that set up? Never knew that was the canopy/windscreen architecture. Interesting.
There was a fairly complex set up of jacks and hinges Matt, which 'lifted' the canopy as it hinged forward. When closed, it sat down into seals, and there was an internal screen also, built around the HUD, with an armoured central screen. The latter can just be seen through the canopy on the model.

I would like to make a focus on the fact that Academy offres MiG-21 kits for a couple of variants of the aircraft. The one for the MF variant should be no.2171. Generally the kit is a good replic of the plane. There are minor incorrections of course. But made of box model looks very nice. Here you are a few characteristic features for MF variant:

The Pitot tube with small "wings" ,
Four underwing racks for armament
GSz 23 cannon with flame baffles on fuselage
ammo hatches
a periscope on the top of cockpit conopy - yes or not
the cockpit conopy side-open.

BTW the MiG-21 model seen in Terry's pic is the PFM variant.

I would like to make a focus on the fact that Academy offres MiG-21 kits for a couple of variants of the aircraft. The one for the MF variant should be no.2171. Generally the kit is a good replic of the plane. There are minor incorrections of course. But made of box model looks very nice. Here you are a few characteristic features for MF variant:

The Pitot tube with small "wings" ,
Four underwing racks for armament
GSz 23 cannon with flame baffles on fuselage
ammo hatches
a periscope on the top of cockpit conopy - yes or not
the cockpit conopy side-open.

BTW the MiG-21 model seen in Terry's pic is the PFM variant.

Just a quick question, its a PFM because of the way the canopy opens? The Reg. MF opens to the side?
Yes it is , But not only because of that. The "hump" behind the cockpit is different from the MF one. The MF one was larger and wider, especially at the rear area. Also the antenna there wasn't used for the MF variant.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that - it's the Academy 1/48th scale MiG 21 PF 'Fishbed D'. Here's a rear view, showing the shape more.
More info on the kit, and the full build, can be found in the 'Cold War' threads in the 'Group Builds' section.


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