So I've been doing some research and am almost ready to place a bid on a Mig-21MF but I thought I'd ask in this forum first to see what the experts say.
It'll turn out as a Yugoslavian Mig-21MF (most likely Lift Here Decals) I know academy does a kit (which isn't all that accurate) but there are a couple on ebay with aftermarket parts thrown in to spruce it up to par that don't seem bad atm.
In your opinion what Mig-21MF model company does the best job? I'm open to any scale really, but 1/32 is pretty much out since I don't have the space for it
If the model companies don't do a good job on Mig-21MF what would you guys consider the 'best" Mig-21 out of the other variants. (keep in mind I'll try to make it a Yugo. bird
Best overall, value, fit, accuracy, details etc?
I'm eyeing a 1/48 Academy kit with extra details and a 1/72 Fujimi but I want to be sure which one is "the best" out of all the brands before going in on a bid.
Thanks for the input guys
(I'm opening threads like crazy, 2 in a couple days :S, I have 2 many questions
P.S. So far the kits I've found range from Eduard, Fujimi, Academy, and some other brands.
It'll turn out as a Yugoslavian Mig-21MF (most likely Lift Here Decals) I know academy does a kit (which isn't all that accurate) but there are a couple on ebay with aftermarket parts thrown in to spruce it up to par that don't seem bad atm.
In your opinion what Mig-21MF model company does the best job? I'm open to any scale really, but 1/32 is pretty much out since I don't have the space for it
If the model companies don't do a good job on Mig-21MF what would you guys consider the 'best" Mig-21 out of the other variants. (keep in mind I'll try to make it a Yugo. bird
Best overall, value, fit, accuracy, details etc?
I'm eyeing a 1/48 Academy kit with extra details and a 1/72 Fujimi but I want to be sure which one is "the best" out of all the brands before going in on a bid.
Thanks for the input guys
P.S. So far the kits I've found range from Eduard, Fujimi, Academy, and some other brands.