Yes, ATC aircraft were often diverted on the way to the CBI to support other operations where they were needed. Wally spoke of a few days they flew supplies into where the British 14th Army was operating and flying out the wounded.
The original hump group was CNAC (China National Aviation Corporation), who flew mostly C-47s, which were converted DC-3 airliners.
In my previous post, I stated that aircraft were corssing the hump every 72 seconds and the 1 ton per 15 seconds was actually a one day total on August 1. July of 1945 was over 71,000 tons though!
The loss numbers have never been definitive. I wonder if they ever will be. I saw a 1984 aeronautical chart for that area and there were still large sections of the Himalayas that were listed as "uncharted or unsurveyed". There are also still crewmen listed as MIA from that time that have never been found.
I am not real sure of the history of the ATC, so when they officially formed is a mystery to me at the moment.