little is known about Harald Ruh of JG 301 who was flying yellow 7 March 2, 1945. He was far from being one of the rookie pilots we hear were the norm in the late days of the war. He also didn't shy away from a fight. As a matter of fact he was an aggressive and talented fighter pilot. The combat report of Capt. Robert Schimanski says this about him and his abilities:
About 10,000 feet I recognized an Me109, dropped my tanks, and started to attack. This single 109 was chasing four P-51s from the 339th group…..This guy was exceptionally good as he could really handle that ship. After about 5 minutes of torrid combat, one of the 339th boys got some good strikes and the 109 snap rolled and started spinning. The 339th left and I followed him down.
Below the clouds he recovered, and he and I had a go at it. After 5 more minutes of head on passes…
at the end of one of those passes Ruh saw another P-51 flying above him and climbed to attack him! What followed was several minutes of a violent turning battle where the 2 P-51s were finally able to get into the 109s 6 and bring it down. Its a shame the German records were lost, destroyed, ... don't have more to testify about this brave man other than the last day of life.