Blast hits Trois-Rivières Canadian Forces site...

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Master Sergeant
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

It doesn't smell good... not good at all...

CBC News - Montreal - Blast hits Trois-Rivières Canadian Forces site

The report doesn't say much, but here is a complement of information that I just heard on the radio...

As most of you knows, July 1st was Canada Day. Well, rumors says that on Canada Day, the police forces of the Province of Québec would have received a call from some wacko stating that a bomb would explode somewhere in a federal building. (The police denied to confirm or not that rumor.)

A rumor was also stating that this wacko was a member of a separatist group. (Once again, the police did not comment.)

It could be anything, from a natural gas leak to a bomb blast. But, if separatists start to attack our boys, it could get nasty... very nasty.
Wow, I'm glad no one was hurt.
Separatist group? I thought they died with Rene Levesque!

Yeah Man, really. Didn't they get the memo, had a vote, you lost. Move along...

If you still believe in starting a separate country, a one way ticket to Somalia will be issued, free of charge!
Separatist group? I thought they died with Rene Levesque!

Nope. Although they've "been sleeping" those last 30 years or so, such groups like the FLQ are still alive. Even though they were no longer planting bombs, they were having fun by painting graffittis here and there... And rioting in the streets of Québec City or Montréal on Canada Day.

Note that the "separatist part" was not confirmed yet, the only thing confirmed is the phone call. So it could have been done by anyone from a separatist to an angry Muslim or even the depressive mother of a dead soldier. We don't know yet.

But the modus operendi sure is familiar to the FLQ.
Nope. Although they've "been sleeping" those last 30 years or so, such groups like the FLQ are still alive. Even though they were no longer planting bombs, they were having fun by painting graffittis here and there... And rioting in the streets of Québec City or Montréal on Canada Day.

Note that the "separatist part" was not confirmed yet, the only thing confirmed is the phone call. So it could have been done by anyone from a separatist to an angry Muslim or even the depressive mother of a dead soldier. We don't know yet.

But the modus operendi sure is familiar to the FLQ.

What a bunch of douche bags (trying to keep in the spirit of the whole French thing)

LCN just reported that the group Résistance Internationaliste claimed the responsability of the bombing.

That group (according to the RCMP) is a relatively small group of Anti-Capitalist pinkos. In short, they are against the presence of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, aginst their way of recruiting in schools and planned the bombing in responce to the recent events of the G-20 in Toronto.

What happened to the good old days where soldiers were seen as patriotic heroes ? What happened to patriotism ? :rolleyes:

Oh, and glad to know that you find it interresting, guys. :D
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Quebec provincial police say they are taking seriously a claim of responsibility for an explosion early Friday at a Canadian Forces recruitment centre in Trois-Rivières.

A group calling itself Résistance Internationaliste sent a statement to the newspaper La Presse saying it was responsible for the blast, according to the paper.

The group, which has previously claimed responsibility for two other attacks in Quebec, claims it is against the militaristic ideals and practices of the Canadian government.

In portions of the statement published on the paper's website, the group said it aims to "ensure that political, economic and military powers cannot continue their enterprise of indoctrination justifying their imperialist venture, without impunity."

"The Canadian government is not content to merely submit us to the merchant oligarchy and to deliver it our resources, it demands that we enslave other people," the group said. "Suffering the effects of the dangers of gas exportation is not enough, we have to secure a pipeline route (TAPI) on Afghan territory.

"The soldiers of the Canadian Army, let it be very clear, they are not 'ours', they belong to the one to whom they foolishly pledge allegiance, Her Majesty Elisabeth II."

Group known to police
Provincial police have confirmed they are investigating, though they have refused to name the group believed to be responsible.

"The group that claimed responsibility is known [by] our police force," said Sgt. Éloise Cossette. "It is a group that we are investigating and will continue to do so."

In 2004, the group, which used to be known as the Initiative de résistance internationaliste, or internationalist resistance initiative, said it was responsible for bombing a Hydro-Québec tower close to the U.S. border on the eve of a visit by U.S. president George W. Bush.

In 2006, the group also claimed responsibility for the firebombing of a car owned by a prominent oil-industry executive. That incident happened in the town of Lorraine, northwest of Montreal.

Police received warning call

Twenty minutes before Friday's blast, Quebec provincial police confirmed that Trois-Rivières police received a call warning them of a bomb.

The investigation was transferred to provincial police.

The blast, which blew out the glass doors of the office, happened around 3 a.m. ET Friday.

"I was almost asleep and I heard a big blast and I [thought] it was thunder or a gas line or something like that," said a man living nearby.

Another man said it brought back bad memories of the October Crisis in the 70s.

"The FLQ and all that," André Marcoux said. "It reminds me that it could all start again. We never know."

Officials said that at the time of the incident, no one was in the office, which is adjacent to a bus terminal and hotel.

Police quickly set up a large security perimeter.

Investigators are working to determine what actually set off the blast.

Some nearby phone booths have also been wrapped in police tape and police have been using dogs to search the area.

One person was arrested for hindering the work of police officers.

The Canadian Forces said service at the Trois-Rivières recruitment office would resume as soon as possible.

The "unfortunate" event is being considered as an "isolated incident," spokesman Andre McKelvey said in a statement.

Nonetheless, he confirmed, security measures are being stepped up at other recruitment centres.

"We have no information at this time to make us believe that such an incident may happen at other Canadian Forces installations," McKelvey said. "We remain vigilant."

Sheesh... :rolleyes:
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Why bother calling these guys Résistance Internationaliste? That is what these guys call themselves, but why should the rest of us (or more specifically, Canadians). Why not call them "Separetist Assholes of Quebec"? This whole Résistance Internationaliste gives them cred when, if you really think about it, their nothing but a bunch of losers with a chip on their shoulders. And 99% of what they do is done for show.

Kill the lefty romance of it and they're not much different from a bunch of bored high school students breaking windows for kicks.
Well, they may be separatists (like 99% of socialists around here are), but they seems to be more against capitalism as a whole. They even blew up an electric pole of Hydro-Québec... Is there anything more Québeker than Hydro-Québec ?

I agree with you, though, they're nothing more than breakers... for now.

The day they'll start kidnapping and/or killing peoples (willingly or accidentally), they'll join the FLQ as terrorists. And then, it could get really nasty. Don't want a second October Crisis with the martial law being enforced.
"... Don't want a second October Crisis with the martial law being enforced.."

Don't we ...? Maybe time to separate the "sheep" from the "goats" :).


I don't think you understand what "martial law" means... It means that anyone (police or soldier) can arrest anyone for absolutely no reason and lock you up in a cell without charging you with any offence just because the said cop or soldier just didn't like your face. So it could go something like this...

Soldier : "What are you doing at 23:30 in the streets ?"

You : "Uh... I'm taking a walk in that beautiful summer evening."

Soldier : "Where do you live."

You : "About two corners away."

Soldier : "Show me your papers."

You : "They are home."

Soldier : "You mean you don't have them on you ?"

You : "No, I don't always carry my passport to take a walk in my own country."

Soldier : "You're under arrest, azzhole."

You : "Why ? Under what charges ? You can't arrest me for no reasons !"

Soldier : "Catch him !"

(Sounds of wooden batons hitting a human body.)

Don't fool yourself, it happened plenty of time during the 70s. No matter if it was the FLQ in Canada or the IRA in Ireland.

And honestly, I doubt Canada could survive a secound crisis like that without breaking in an open Civil War.
Anarchists. We have 'em here too. They are uncoordinated communists looking to just watch the world burn.

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